New Posts, New Pics
If you're still reading this blog, you're missing the latest posts from Lynn. Here's a quick rundown of what you'll find on the new domain:
From the Inbox…
Going through my Inbox this morning there were some interesting notes & links to pass on, so I thought I would post them here. You’ll find a little bit of everything - from cool sites and good tips to free stuff…
Shopping Around
I did a little shopping around online. My first stop was Amazon, mainly to read reviews of the Life Application line and get an idea of what others thought of their study guides. I did find that the prices were a bit cheaper on Amazon than at the local book store, and even for the genuine leather covers. This sent me off on a search at Google to do some price comparisons. From Google to Froogle to...
For Affiliate Marketers…
I got a message from my good friend Chrissie this morning that included a couple of links. One was for a blog, the other for a forum - both of which will be of interest to any of you that are into affiliate marketing… so I thought I’d pass them along.
Kyle MacDonald & His One Red Paperclip
Kyle set up a free blog and stated his intentions - to trade his red paperclip for a house. His first entry was posted one year ago, and he now owns a house as a result of his trades on Craigslist…
New Pics on Flickr
I have a few new pictures up on my Flickr account. Just some casual shots, nothing fancy. Some of them were even taken with my camera phone, so the quality is not all that great…
Are You a One Man Show?
It’s very common when working from home to go it alone and ultimately to become isolated as an individual. I think that part of this is just natural for the environment, and part of this has to do with our personalities. Regardless, it will take a little work to build a solid personal network for yourself… But it is well worth that time and effort.
The Law of Success
Being such a big fan of Napoleon Hill, I’m surprised I wasnt even aware of his other works. I ran across the Law of Success on someone’s website the other day, and did a few searches to see where I could get a copy...
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