September Archives for ClickNewz
Amazon aStore News: Multiple Stores!
I was really pleased to see the email from Amazon this morning regarding their next release for aStore. Specifically the fact that they are (soon) going to allow us to create multiple aStores. The only thing I was left wondering about was the payout structure. They didnt mention any details when they released the first beta version…
Secrets of the A-Listers
Jason Cain (aka Goldblogger) gave me a link to an interesting article titled Secrets of the A-Listers. While this article was written a year and a half ago (May 2005), it’s interesting nonetheless. The author, Tristan Louis, analyzed the blogs of the current A-Listers with two questions in mind…
Buying & Selling VRE (Websites & Domains)
The value of VRE, or Virtual Real Estate, is going up steadily… This is good news for those that want to sell off websites, maybe because they are changing courses or perhaps because they dont have time to monetize them properly themselves. And for a full-time internet marketer, buying an established website is always worth looking into…
Slower holiday sales this year?
Just how high up does gasoline rank on your list of expenses? And does the current price of gas affect your holiday spending? If so, does this mean you would be more apt to shop online and look for sales, deals, free shipping offers - or that you would search at eBay before shopping elsewhere?