Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The Dell Arrived!

Well, after I got all that off my chest this morning, it proved to be a very productive day! The highlight, of course, was when UPS arrived with my new Dell computer system. I peaked in the boxes... it's a beauty!! Now I'm motivated to get my office organized and rearranged, so I can set it up and take it for a test drive ;)

I also managed to get the deposits to the bank, put in a good 8-hour day for my clients, publish my e-newsletter, pick up a new toner cartridge for the faithful old 6L, and reserved the Jungle Gym for my daughter's upcoming birthday party. Site Stats for this week already are in record numbers, too - so all in all, this has been another successful day!

The Cruise

I'm getting really excited about the PowerMoms Cruise in February. The more I think about it, the more I think Alice is an absolute genius! I'll be speaking on the topic of 'Earning Passive Income' aboard the cruise, and when I'm not talking about it... I'll be doing it ;)

Alice has it scheduled so that there is a lot of free time, and plenty of fun to be had... and when she mentioned bringing the kids along, I just had to jump on it! What a treat to grab the kids, hop on a plane, cross the country and catch a cruise... it's the opportunity of a lifetime to share this kind of experience with them!

More on that soon. I believe Alice is launching the PMC website any day now...

Keeping up with it all...

It was another early morning - 4:30am to be exact. Consider it an act of desperation, as that's about the only quiet time I can find around here lately. I had some things on my mind and needed to focus, minus the usual interruptions of daily life. No luck this particular morning, though, as I must have been thinking too loud -> Grandmother woke just after 5am.

To catch you up, she's 92 and I moved here about 18 months ago to live with her. Sometimes I step back, take a look at my lifestyle, and say "you are NUTS!". It's not logical to try to raise two kids on my own, take care of an elderly person with a whole different set of needs, AND run a business full-time. I mean, who did I think I was?!

However, we all seem to be getting by just fine... so all is well. I've had to take a few extra measures to preserve my sanity lately - such as hiring a housekeeper for half a day each week, sleeping an extra hour each night, and enlisting the help of Home Health nurses. I am not able to leave Grandmother at all, not even for a quick trip to the grocery store, so I also need to hire someone to come and sit with her a few hours at a time a couple of times a week. Easier said than done around here, I've already found - but I keep looking. It would be good for me to be able to take the children out once a week, too - I know we all miss that. The demands on me are pretty steep, and I'm starting to feel the effect of it all.

Fortunately, business is good, so I'm in a position to afford more help. It's either that, or let business slack... and I'm not willing to compromise financial security as a single mother. I dont have extended family to rely on, nor do I receive child support... so it's up to me to work hard, but more importantly: to work smart ;)

At the moment I have bronchitis, and am really struggling to stay on top of everything. Meals, outings, the children's schedule, dentist & doctor appointments, dressing Grandmother's wounds, housekeeping, the stupid cat, watering the plants & mowing the yard, you name it! :p Coming up is Labor Day weekend, and they will all turn to me for the plans - not to mention that Monday is my daughter's 8th birthday, and she wants a big party this year... and I'm ready to collapse! (Yes, I need to rest, drink OJ, see a Dr - but dont 'comment' it unless you're willing to come 'zoo-sit' while I do those things! LOL :-p)

It hasnt always been this way, of course. I left a beautiful and peaceful view from a lakeside cabin to move here. Back then, I homeschooled the kids, walked three miles every morning, and would swim laps for a good hour every afternoon. The rest of the time I worked or we played, and life was pretty balanced. Instead of looking back on that and missing it, I focus on looking forward and planning for more of the same in the future. Life is full of phases, one after the other, some are better than others. But none are permanent. Right now, life is keeping me on my toes and testing my limits - but for a good purpose, I feel sure.

In the midst of it all, my work is what keeps me going. A sense of accomplishment, pride, me at my best. Not to say that I am not a good mother, and extremely proud of my two cool kids... or that my lifestyle is anything less than what I have chosen or created for myself - - but sometimes, when it all gets overwhelming, retreating to a quiet office and funneling a few hundred (or few thousand!) bucks into my bank account with a few clicks here and there... well, it REFUELS me ;)

Ya know, there's a new show out - "wife swap", I think it's called. I dont watch much TV, but apparently it's a reality show where they swap two wives for a week to see how they do. I believe the first episode involves a very wealthy woman who spends $4,000/week shopping - and they are swapping her out with a mother of 3 children that works in a garment factory for around $30k/year. Heh. They should ask John Reese to swap places with me for one week :-D hahahaha - Talk about REALITY! He'd have to replace that photo of him at the 'halfway mark' to one of him at the 'halfway house'. What do you say, John? You seem like a guy who's always up for a good challenge ;)

Monday, August 30, 2004

Kicking off a new week! Monday Motivation ;)

While weekends are great for brainstorming and catching up on my own projects, Monday is when I dive back in to client projects and emails. I find Monday's particularly motivating after a refreshing weekend... not to mention the quiet time with the kids back in school ;)

This week promises to be a good one already. I ordered a new Dell system last week, which should be delivered any day now. I believe I'll sell the two computers at the 'bottom of the ranks' around here, and rearrange the office to accomodate the two we use the most along with the new one. Perhaps this will motivate me to get my eBay auctions going once again - lots of parts and various things that need to move out to make room for the new ;)

The software project I mentioned over the weekend is moving right along, and fast! I'm negotiating with several programmers on RAC, and hope to launch this product - and a full blown marketing strategy - well before the '04 holiday season.

Emails are coming in faster than I can respond this morning... so I'd better get back to work ;)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Software Development

Yes, I know it's Sunday - but shhh! I'm getting a lot of work done, here ;) I got up at 6am with my heart pounding and my mind reeling - so I went straight to work. Last night I finally settled on a product name after weeks of research, but decided to 'sleep on it'. I got straight up this morning and researched Trademarks, ordered the .net and .com versions of the domain name, and opened an account at Rent-a-Coder!

The anticipation of it all is such a rush! I should be able to secure this entire project initially for under $500 - the unknown variable being the cost of Trademark search & application. I'll work on that while I wait for bids on the coding end of the project. Ideas for Graphics, CD Labels, Sales Copy, potential JV's and promotion are all stacking up in the back of my mind. I've been working on this idea for over a year, now - and it feels good to finally get past the 'idea phase' and take action on it!

Also, I requested a quote for a graphic yesterday - and they sent a preview in this morning. This particular graphic is a unique animation for the Turning Ideas Into Dollars membership portal. I've forwarded that over to my partner, Andre, for review. Unbelievably quick work! It's amazing how well things are coming together lately...

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Weekend Brainstorming

Saturday is my absolute favorite day of the week. It's the one day that I dont have to go here or there, no rush, no school schedule, and the kids are generally out with friends or family. It's the longest day of the week for me - no stress, lots of quiet time. I love it!

I've been wreaking havoc on my Forum this morning - adding new categories & topics, moving posts around, etc. After a year and a half of deleting blatant ads on the forum, I finally decided to add a 'classified' category. I'm hoping that will suffice and keep all of the ad posting in one spot - and will also serve to attract new members. Much left to do on the site & forum - its a huge, neverending project...

In the meantime, I've been brainstorming titles for my software project and finishing up the research end of it. I'm ready to take the next step and post my project on Rent-a-Coder. I'm anxious to get it completed and into beta-testing!

I'll be glad when all of my projects finally reach full circle. At the moment I feel like I'm moving in ten different directions at any given time - which is pretty much true - but it will all come together in the end ;)

Friday, August 27, 2004


So far this blog is our little secret. I've finally joined the bandwagon - yes, but I'm in no way ready to reveal it to the world just yet. I find it intriguing, and could certainly get addicted to it if not careful ;)

It's obvious that there's an entire network of bloggers, and tons of potential for meeting people and expanding one's reach. Yes, I realize I'm about a year behind the times on starting this - but I've just been quietly watching it all develop and took somewhat of a passive interest.

So now here I am - and this is my first Case Study on blogging, and its benefits. I'm interested to learn more about hosting on blogger.com vs hosting a blog under your own domain. I'm interested in studying how search engines respond to blogs and their entries, and all other variables of blogging.

As a reader, I find that I absolutely love Blogs. I find them interesting and even entertaining. I could literally spend hours upon hours reading the musings of various writers on a range of topics.... If I had that kind of time available, of course ;) I'll have to start paying attention to what it is that captivates me about them, exactly - and work from that angle to determine the potential that my own blog may have, and what direction I want to take it in...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

ClickNewz - What's Next?

I've had ideas for the domain 'ClickNewZ.com' for awhile now, but havent settled exactly on the direction that I want to take with it. Lots of options! Perhaps this will be a good spot to brainstorm (for now). I've considered a newspaper or magazine column, but I may go with online syndication of a weekly column. It may also be a good spot for events and announcements, coupled with Interviews from popular professionals. I could see room for Reviews & Debates as well, of course...

In the meantime, I'm off to the JV Brokering course that I'm studying this week. So far it's been completely captivating and every single page has spawned several ideas that I cant wait to put into action!

Taking this blog for a test drive...

Okay - just checking this out. I dont have anything of interest to post this morning - rather, I have tons of work to get on to today ;) So I'm going to leave it at that... and come back to type later when I'm in the 'writing mood'!

(No one is looking anyway, right?!)