Saturday, October 30, 2004

Need it - or Want it?

I was talking with a friend this morning, about two products I'd like to buy. One is around 300 bucks, the other 250. Of the two, I know which one I'd rather have - or at least, rather have first. Anyway, it brought up a point that I thought was interesting... and worth discussion.

He said - there's a line you cross between needing something and wanting something. How much you're willing to spend on something you want versus something you need. Let's just say $100, for example. You might hesitate to spend that amount on something you want - but if it's something you need, it's easily justified.

So he asks me, of the two products I am considering, "Are they something you want, or something you need?" Hmm. I guess I could do without either, honestly. But I could put the $300 item to use and make money with it very easily - so I could classify that as something I 'need'. The second product - the one that was $250 - I just want for the sake of having it. I would most likely get something out of it, but its nowhere near a necessity.

So that settles it. I buy the $300 item now, use it - and write it off as an expense. And then I get myself the $250 item for Christmas (um, and write it off, too) *grin*

I just found the whole conversation interesting from a marketing perspective. It started as a small comment, and I really dug in and asked him to explain his feelings on it in more detail... because in addition to relating to that scenario (like with the two products I was considering) - - I can see this as playing a big part in price points and copywriting when promoting things that people need versus things people want.

Comments welcomed! ;)

Communicating Via Email

Effectively communicating using email

According to a recent study by Harvard Business School, you can significantly increase the chances that the email you send actually gets read by following these four simple rules.

1. Use the subject line of the email to summarize your message.
People scan their email inbox by subject. Make your subject rich enough that your readers can decide whether the email is real and relevant.

2. Give your reader full context at the start of your message.
Start off your messages with a reference to help orient your reader to what the message is about, such as "Regarding your recent article about...".

3. Make action requests clear.
If the purpose of your email is to ask that something be done, say so. Summarize what you need or want the recipient to do. Don't make them guess.

4. Make your email one page or less.
Make sure the meat of your email is visible in the preview window of your recipient's mailer. That means the first two paragraphs should have the meat. Many people never read past the first screen, and very few read past the third.

Find the full Harvard Business School article at

Source: Bill Myers Tip of the Week - October 30, 2004

Brief Fact About Affiliate Marketing

Here's a brief fact about affiliate marketing you should know...

Fact: Affiliate marketing is a $95 billion industry that is expected to grow to approximately $230 billion by 2008.
(Source: Forrester Research)

Now if this doesn't give you a hint of why affiliate marketing is such a lucrative growing market, I don't know what will...

This fact spells out a 'real' opportunity for anyone that pursues affiliate marketing diligently. If you commit to it, the potential payoff is quite high and is lifestyle-altering...

Source: email from Michael Nicholas 10/30

Jason Overdelivers!

Following the live Affiliate Marketing Seminar this week with John Reese, Stephen Pierce and Rosalind Garnder - Jason Potash (completely unexpected and unadvertised) offered us two bonus files! So in addition to the recordings from the live event, I am also downloading:

BONUS GIFT #1: "How To Make MEGA Profits Promoting High-Ticket Products"

Many of you are eager to learn the secrets to making jumbo-sized affiliate checks promoting high ticket products. Heck, one sale of a high-ticket product can easily generate a $100-$500 commission! Not those whimpo $10 commissions like many products.

During this webcast recording, you'll hear from Alex Mandossian, Matt Gill & Kevin Wilke, and a mother of 7 who earns 6-figures a year online promoting high-ticket products to a puny list of only 350 subscribers.

Her story with both amaze and inspire you!

BONUS GIFT #2: The 6-Hour Secrets-Spilling, Marathon Teleseminar With John Reese And Frank Kern

You probably heard about this call through the grapevine. John and Frank were in Florida to hook up with Gary Halbert. Gary had to cancel last minute. John and Frank thought, we're here anyway... let's make the best of this situation and host a teleseminar for all our customers.

The result? A truckload of marketing secrets, strategies, insight and even the odd funny story. Both amusing and extremely valuable information was shared during this call. Better take the weekend off, you'll need a full 6 hours to listen to these recordings. Well worth it though...


Very cool! I'm looking forward to listening in to these this weekend ;)

Friday, October 29, 2004

Outside the IM Niche

In Michael Green's newsletter this morning, he shares an example of working outside of the Internet Marketing niche. Here's the excerpt:

Let me ask you a controversial question...

"How is it that most successful internet marketers talk about making money by selling stuff to non-marketers, but then in reality... very few of them appear to actually do that?"

It seems like 95% of internet marketing revolves around selling advice to other marketers!

Hmm. And you actually believe these guys?

Personally I like to do a bit of both. First I try things out by using online marketing techniques to sell to a wider crowd, then -- and only when #1 has really worked -- I'll talk about it to a select group of other online marketers, if I have time.

Here's an example...

This week I've launched my latest 'How To' toolkit. This time it's aimed at 'wannabe' Film Makers or even those who have a bit of experience and would like to take things further.

The project is called 'Instant Movie Making' and you can read about it here:

If you've spent any time at all involved in internet marketing then you'll immediately spot the techniques in play in that letter. Click here now and look for the 2 different list building techniques I've employed.

Check to see how I've used one 'dying' internet marketing technique, but only at the 11th hour, as folks leave the site.

Visit again, and notice how I'm split-testing the page, one element at a time, with the title altering on your second visit.

Really want to know if internet marketing works beyond selling more junk to other online marketers?

Click to see how I put the techniques into action to sell to a crowd of film makers, most of whom will never have even heard of a popover or split-test!

Now ask yourself, "how can I do the same thing?"

- - - - - - - - -

At the time that I received this issue, that link didnt appear to work - so I havent actually seen the site that Michael mentioned yet. The concept is good, though, and something more people should consider when choosing an online business - or choosing an affiliate program to promote.

In the first segment of this week's Affiliate Marketing Seminar, Rosalind Gardner made the comment: "In other markets (outside of IM), you have to worry less about losing commissions. People just arent as savvy about affiliate links".

This is true, and people come online to buy all sorts of things - collectibles, access to dating services or game sites, diet pills, discounted or used items, computer peripherals - you name it!

Your options are endless... so don't limit yourself to any one niche ;)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Better Late than Never

Just a quick note - this afternoon is going by fast!

You can still join in on the 2nd part of the Affiliate Marketing Seminar online tonight at 9pm EST, and get the recording of the the 1st part of the event from Tuesday night. You can click here and then select option #1.

I just received Rosalind's newsletter, in which she said:

"Tonite John will be covering email marketing and endorsement writing, while Stephen will discuss promoting affiliate products with postcards, offline mailings and joint ventures. My presentation will concentrate on how to pr*fit from pay per click advertising as an affiliate.

As an affiliate marketer, you don't want to miss this. It happens tonite at 9PM Eastern, 6PM Pacific."

I'm particularly interested in what John is going to share on email marketing (good stuff already on the first night!) - and of course I'm looking forward to the offline marketing tips and pay-per-click strategies, too. Should be another great night!

Where Sales Copy Fails

Sales Copy is one of the most important things to learn and master in order to become successful. But it's not THE most important...

Communication is key, whether you are trying to squeeze a huge marketing message into a small classified ad or Adwords box... or writing a 9 page sales letter... or corresponding with potential clients via snail mail or email. Your copywriting skills could certainly give you the competitive edge!

However, it's not the "be all end all" of marketing. Several of us got into a discussion over at Turning Ideas Into Dollars (private membership site) regarding marketing and marketers - who's who, and why, what differentiates them and - well, just a whole slew of personal thoughts and observations. It really brought up a lot of good points...

One of those points was about copy vs reputation. Here were my comments on that (minus the details):

I honestly didnt read the copy... as I was pre-sold on hearing [Marketer X] after having just recently gotten my hands on the [Product].

Similar to the [Product] by [Marketer Z] - the copy almost talked me OUT of buying the guide, but I was pre-sold on having the info. It was something I'd been on the hunt for... and then [Marketer Y] gave it a really good review and lead-in... so I bought anyway.

Which would lead me to believe that sometimes reputation or relationships overcome copy - - although I still say copy should be a super-high priority.

There are people with *excellent* copy out there that I just wont buy from due to prior experience with that person or their reputation. And people that I will buy from - or products I will buy, anyway - regardless of the copy.

Obviously this applies very heavily within the Internet Marketing group... but what about outside of it - in other industries? Would you agree that Brands, Names, Reputations & Relationships always overpower copy or sales messages - or are there exceptions?

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Affiliate Marketing Seminar

During last night's web-based Affiliate Marketing Seminar (with Jason Potash, John Reese, Rosalind Gardner and Stephen Pierce), two out of three of my questions were addressed during the live Q&A.

One of those was about capitalizing on the traffic and exposure at eBay using Affiliate Marketing. John Reese took my question, as he created the Internet Auction Secrets videos - on top of being known for the more recent Traffic Secrets course. He gave a really good in-depth analogy on how you could use your listings to funnel traffic to another landing page, and even collect highly targeted opt-in subscribers.

He made the point (without actually saying it) that you should have a strong focus with this method - to create information, documentation or reviews that directly relate to the items you are selling. Actually, this was a point made several times by each of the speakers throughout the presentation.

They talked about multiple sites, themes, whether or not you should promote more than one affiliate program (per site or per theme), automation, competition, choosing programs... and a lot more! There was one thing that Stephen Pierce said that I really liked, which was:

"You have Innovators... and you have Duplicators"

He didnt go into depth with that, but it was something that really stuck in my head. There's definitely a lot more that could be said on that topic ;)

All in all, it was a GREAT experience! The 2nd part of this event happens tomorrow night, and I am really looking forward to it... John is going to speak on using email, opt-in lists and autoresponders. Rosalind is going to talk on Overture & Adwords. And I believe Stephen is going to touch on offline marketing, branding & relationship-building.

I have taken a lot of notes already... and expanded on them with my own thoughts and ideas. It would be difficult to share them all with you in one post, as they touch on different methods and tactics... but if you're interested, I could hit on one topic at a time.

Just let me know ;)

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Blog Notifications by Email

I just received an email from Carrie Lauth about this really cool little 'blog subscription form' you can add to your Blog so that people can receive daily email notifications of new posts! Check it out:

Hi Lynn,

If you haven't seen this tool yet, I thought it was really cool.

It's a subscribe box for your blog, I think it's great for people
who want to keep up with your blog but who don't use their yahoo!
page, or who don't use an RSS feed (and there are lots of people
I know who don't understand that technology).

Take care, see you in February!


Thanks, Carrie! So what do you guys think? Pretty cool, if you ask me ;)

Monday, October 25, 2004

Monday Morning Coffee Break

I have to report in and tell you a bit about this "Brain Dump" experience. After I sat down and put it all on paper in front of me, the rest of the weekend was really (really!) relaxing. I felt a certain sense of peace about it all. No more stressing, no more 67 sticky notes. With everything I want, need and 'should do' neatly categorized and thought over... I felt sort of - - empowered.

This master list that I have in front of me to work from now makes everything so easy. I know exactly what I want, and exactly how I intend to get it. In addition to all of the things that were already on my mind or on my to-do list, it really sparked some creative thinking and I was able to add in several more exciting concepts & ideas.

My focus is sharper than ever - and I am feeling super motivated!

I have to tell you this - and totally off topic - but my Grandmother just walked into my office as I was sitting here writing. She just stood there with her cup of coffee and looked at me for a second, one hand behind her back. I looked up at her, noticed a somewhat different expression on her face, and then broke the silence by asking her, "How's your coffee this morning?"

She seemed perplexed for a brief second there, and then ignored my question and pulled her hand around to show me the silver spoon she had behind her back. It was the spoon I had laid out for her to use in her coffee. Most of the silver is put away, but a few pieces of it managed their way back into the kitchen over time, I guess - I never thought that much about it. Apparently this particular spoon sparked some memories for Grandmother, though...

She had tears in her eyes as she spouted out memories of me as a child, of her mother as a strong-willed community leader, and of her ancestors and their days of farming. She has always been extremely proud of her heritage, able to trace her line all the way back to arriving on the Mayflower.

Her memories werent complete - just little bits here and there. But they are the first she's had in months. And it obviously overwhelmed her. I havent seen her that happy, or even smile at all, in quite a while... so it was a really nice moment for us both :)

Can I just say again... I love this never-ending weekend lifestyle!!

Back to business this Monday morning for me, though, as I have this super-charged feeling of anticipation about the week ahead. The first thing I do when I roll out of bed is check my email - for two reasons. I like to see how much money I earned while I was asleep... and because I know there's always going to be *something* cool waiting there for me. Whether it's a new opportunity, an email from a friend or an enlightening newsletter... it never fails ;)

This morning was no different - and what caught my attention was right in line with my thinking after the intense Brain Dump this weekend. You see, one of my goals is to double my passive income immediately, and to triple it by the end of the year (yes - in just over 2 months). To be honest, I feel very confident about it... as I've more than tripled my passive income once this year, already. But this is a bit of a challenge (which I love! *grin*) as I want to tap into some methods of doing it FAST, and study it a bit - with the intention of documenting it for case studies that I can share with others who are interested in passive income & affiliate marketing.

That's my job, ya know ;)

So the email I got this morning was from Jason Potash - and it was about his 2-day Web Seminar this week. Speakers include Rosalind Gardner and John Reese. Now, I have to stop right there and tell you that, yes - I do feel a bit skeptical about any promotions coming from this crowd. If you stay up to date with the internet marketing circuit, you probably approach these things the same way that I do. And that's not a bad thing!

So what interested me about this particular event? First, the title: How To Make MORE Cash As An Affiliate. I liked the "more" part :)

Next was that it is a web-based seminar, which means no long distance charges and plenty of visuals. I like this style of seminar, with the follow-along powerpoint presentations and such... as it really keeps my attention versus just 'listening in'. And despite any negative impressions we may have... these folks really do put on one hell of a presentation. And the truth is - they know their stuff.

The two-part Seminar is going to be on Tuesday and Thursday evening (Oct 26th & 28th) at 8pm my time on both nights (that's 9pm EST). Perfect for me, as that is when the kids go to bed, and I can actually sit down and give it my full attention. But I also went for the option to get the recording afterwards - which includes the full audio's, visual presentations and a complete transcript. I just have the feeling that this will be good enough to refer back to again and again... and for only $10 more, it wasnt hard to justify adding that on ;)

I cant say I've earned that much off of Jason Potash, but Rosalind Gardner and John Reese have certainly played a big part in my profit increase this year... so this feels like a real solid investment of my time and money. I spent a total of $89 (for both live & recorded versions) and have cleared 3 hours out of my schedule this week - that's it.

A drop in the bucket (more like a drop in the ocean) compared to what they've meant to me and to my business in the last year or so. Seriously. When I think back on where I was a couple of years ago, compared to where I am now... it really amazes me. Not that I was doing so bad then, not at all... just that there's been a dramatic change.

And yeah - I want to be able to say that again next year... and the year after ;)

So, in the 2nd part of this event, they are taking Q&A for a Live Panel Discussion. I definitely want to submit a question... so I'll be pondering on that as I go through my tasks today. Let me know if you have any suggestions as to what I should ask!

If you want to check this out for yourself, click on: Affiliate Marketing Web Seminar. And if you can make the time, definitely be there! If not, check out the option to order the recording. This is a good chance to hear straight from John Reese and ask him ANYthing you like. And Rosalind Gardner, too, of course - take your pick ;)

Monday's mail just arrived and brought in a couple of affiliate checks, so I'm off to the bank and then back to work - plenty of fun stuff to keep me busy around here!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Act Fast and Get 1000 Credits!

I just received the following email from Henrik Flensborg - and you'll want to act fast to both get the 1000 credits AND to get in on the ground floor level... if you are looking for a good viral way to promote your newsletter and gain new subscribers:


For the last few months or so I've been looking into several different ways to use viral marketing to get more visitors and more subscribers.

I've tweaked, tuned and tested the website, and today I'm ready to launch it.

You can check it out at:

Now, remember that this is exclusively for promoting newsletters, so if you don't have a newsletter, then this is not for you.

Now, since it's my birthday today, I'm going to launch the system with both a 500 credits Launch Bonus and a 500 credits Birthday Bonus for a total of 1000 credits.

I'm going to let this bonus run for just one week after which the system will revert back to the default 100 credits signup bonus.

So, if you sign up right away, and let all your newsletter publishing friends and business contacts know about this system now, then you're achieving the following:

- A thousand credits for yourself (which is good for you and your newsletter)

- A thousand credits for each of your friends (which is good for them)

- A wide frontline (which is very important if you want your viral marketing to go epidemic)


Here's that link again:

Working on Weekends?

I slept in this morning :) I think it was almost 9am when I rolled out of bed. After that, I took Grandmother to town and we picked up breakfast... and I stopped on the way home for a hot cappucino. Actually, cappucino is a little much for me - I drink it half 'n half (half cappucino, half black coffee).

I checked my email, worked on a couple of pages of my own website, jotted down a few new ideas that came to mind, and then spent the afternoon playing an online game with a friend. Kind of like scrabble - it was fun :)

The kids had plans for the weekend, so I'm off to pick them up here in a few. Then it will be supper and baths and homework and bedtime - all that stuff. It's been quiet around here with them gone, and I had a really nice afternoon off, so I'm feeling pretty good about everything right about now.

Yesterday turned out to be very productive, start to finish - and it was a great way to end the week. The Brain Dump exercise was particularly helpful, and gave me an opportunity to get a handle on the bigger picture - - all of it: personal goals, financial goals, things that are really important to me, and a plan of action to make it all happen.

I have a couple of projects to work on this evening. Mainly some website updates (for clients), email that came in over the weekend - and I might even have a little time to devote to my own site again, too. I enjoy working on Sunday nights and getting everything ready to go for Monday morning. I really like to start the work week off on the right foot and not with a pile of work. It makes me sleep better... and I dont dread Monday's that way ;)

Actually, I really like Monday's - it's like starting over with a clean slate: "Here we go again! Another week to make progress and make money!". Don't get me wrong, I'm not all hung up on money - far from it, to tell you the truth. But it's almost like a game or a challenge or a gamble - now that I'm in a comfort zone financially. As long as I can make my minimums, which is pretty much on auto-pilot now anyway - everything else is just plain fun!

Of course, I'm just like anyone else - I'm saving up for a house and other things, so it's not like it's all for nothing :p

I used to work 7 days a week because I had to - or because I needed to. I was creating our future, building the foundation. I was pushing hard to pay off old debts and reach certain goals. (It was worth it, by the way - for any of you that are doing that now! *wink*)

I still do work 7 days a week... but I dont work full days, of course. And to me, every day feels like the weekend. Like my casual day today - that could have just as easily been a Tuesday for me. What is it those 9-to-5'ers are doing on their weekends? They're mowing the lawn, meeting a friend for lunch, going out to dinner or the movies, spending time at home with their families, cleaning out the garage or going shopping.

I get to do that stuff any day of the week. So if I'm in the mood to work on something on a Saturday or Sunday (or even until 2am on a Friday night) - no big deal. I really love this "never-ending weekend" lifestyle!!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

A Sense of Accomplishment

I found out long ago that "accomplishment" is what drives me. I've identified it as something I need. Even still, working from home and on a flexible schedule, I have those weeks (and sometimes months!) where it seems I am chasing my tail on a never-ending quest. This is typical for home office workers, and particularly so for online business owners.

Technology is always changing, there are always new products and new people on the scene. There is always something new to learn, something to change or something to test. And with 5 o'clock not signaling the end of a work day - or Friday the end of a work week - it's not always easy to identify your boundaries.

Procrastination is not really an issue -I would say: distraction. After all, most of us that choose this lifestyle are self-motivated and pride ourselves on being able to prioritize and organize (even if our work space doesn't show it!). We know what we need to do... and if we happen to forget, we have 3 task lists and 42 sticky notes to remind us :)

Do you ever get to the end of your day and ask yourself, "What did I do today?" - does it ever seem insane to you that you sat there for 11 hours straight and you cant pinpoint one single "accomplishment"?? Or worse yet - has anyone else ever asked you what got done after all those hours of peering into the computer screen... and stumped you? Or how about this one: You sat down with the intention of working through your task list... and ended up with 67 sticky notes instead of 42.

Me too. Frustrating, isnt it?

I dont like to let myself get too far gone before I take action on it - and turn things around. I know me. I know that I need to get things DONE in order to be able to focus. A sense of accomplishment is the difference between a confident, peaceful me -- and a frazzled unproductive me.

Even when I am upset about something not related to my work, I will quickly realize I am pacing the floor and will set out to rearrange the whole house or dig in and clean out the basement. And then I feel better. Better than better, really - it feels GOOD.

Time is a big issue - there's never enough of it to get everything done you want to do in a day. I got really frustrated over this awhile back... because there were things I wanted to do that I just couldnt seem to fit in. Weeks went by, then months... then more than a year. Now that's ridiculous, right? I thought so... so I decided to keep a 'time log' for a couple of weeks.

In this time log, I documented everything - every minute spent, and how. Yes, that in itself was time consuming... but very enlightening! I learned a lot about myself and my habits. And I made some necessary changes. The overall impact was dramatic, and my life and work took on a new direction from there. I was able to identify "time wasters" and also to see exactly what I accomplished each day - right there in black & white in front of me.

When you are documenting your time - on paper - a certain amount of accountability comes into play. You really dont want to see an entire log of wasted time at the end of the day. You deliberately work at completing things because you know they are going down on that paper. Even if it's you - and only you - seeing it... it matters.

Bigger than that, bigger than the daily to-do's, is the long-term goal that you have set out to achieve. Is everything that you do - every day, every week - pointing you in that direction? I find myself contemplating this quite often... qualifying tasks or projects as either being a part of that goal - or not.

This week was one of those weeks. By the end of the day on Friday, I was mentally exhausted and walked away from my work to take a break - shaking my head, and then taking a deep breath and deciding to just shake it off and start back fresh this morning.

I watched a couple of movies, had chinese take-out... and slept.

When I got to my desk this morning, half asleep and with my first cup of coffee in hand, I knew exactly what I needed to do the minute I powered my computer on. And while checking my email, I received Declan O'Reilly's newsletter - in which he talked about 'a sense of accomplishment'... which was a nice confirmation. And inspiration for this blog post, too ;)

So what's on for this Saturday? I have just over 8 hours to accomplish whatever I need to get done. First, I am going to strategically work through my "immediate gotta do" list - which shouldnt take more than a few hours. Then I am going to clear the rest of my afternoon for an intense Brain Dump. I'm sure you've heard this term by now - but in the case that you haven't, it's the process of taking everything on your mind... and putting it down on paper. Everything you want, everything you wish you had, everything you "need" to do, your business ideas, your personal goals - all of it. And then you simply work through it and create a plan of action.

I've been meaning to do this for months - but just havent cleared the time to make it happen. Typical... and the very reason it will be good for me.

Today will end with a very strong sense of accomplishment. I'm looking forward to that ;)

Friday, October 22, 2004

New Google Guy on the Block!

Move over Google Cash - Greg Heslin reveals his (new!) step-by-step system for successfully promoting Affiliate Programs via PPC in Google-Adwords-123. You wont even need your own web site to cash in on the holiday shopping market!

I just bought Greg's new Guide over the weekend, myself - and have barely gotten into it... but its good. And I really like Greg, the author - super nice & sincere guy, which gave me a real good feeling about the purchase. I'll post a full review on SSWT once I complete it ;)

I own Google Profit, Google Cash, the Definitive Guide (Perry), etc etc - as a huge Adwords junkie (lol), every guide has been WELL worth it's investment so far!

I'm also looking at a few new (new to me) Affiliate Networks for affiliate programs to promote via PPC: Max Bounty, Traffic Synergy and Offers Quest . What's your favorite Affiliate Network? Send me a link!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Blog Promotion

It seems to me that promoting a Blog is MUCH easier than promoting a website, or a newsletter. There are so many directories, blog-specific search engines and such that you could literally sit and spend half an hour 'submitting your blog'... and end up with several hundred visitors a day - consistently. How easy is it to get 3,000-10,000 visitors/month to a brand new website?

So here's my tip of the day: If you have a website and a blog, combine them and promote the blog! You'll end up with A LOT more traffic than if you go about it backwards and 'promote the site'. Of course, you also want to consider SEO and all of the other proven methods of gaining new targeted traffic... but for a jump-start, this is a smart move ;)

Paul Short, over at, says he is experiencing really good results with Blog Explosion. It's sort of a 'blog traffic exchange' from what I gather, and after reading Paul's latest post to his blog, I decided to sign up. (It's free, of course.)

I'll keep you posted as to my own results. I'd love to hear from those of you that are already using Blog Explosion. And if you're not yet signed up for it, yourself, I'd venture to say that you should get in now (early) and add a button to your own blog to spread the word:

This looks like it'll be a big hit ;)

Monday, October 18, 2004

Blogging Statistics: 71% Say...

Once again quoting Debbie Weil of , the following comes from her latest email promoting the BlogWrite Teleseminar, that will focus on how to minimize the time it takes to write and maintain a business blog. See for more information on that event

Lack of Time Is Top Obstacle to Blogging

Over 70% of respondents to a WordBiz survey report lack of time is their key concern to managing a business blog.

In addition:

- 45% of you are unsure what to write about

- 18% question whether the content needs to be edited or pre-approved

- 15% wonder who would be responsible for the writing

Yet, when asked if you have considered starting a business blog, more than 80% responded yes.


I can see the top two - lack of time, and unsure what to write about - being obstacles in maintaining a blog. Fortunately, I dont have those issues, and enjoy blogging as much as I enjoy my morning coffee.

I would venture to guess that anyone that does have those issues needs to rethink their strategy. Writing a newsletter, blogging, networking on forums... these things shouldnt be considered a "chore" in my opinion. And if they are - you arent doing it right!

Listen up - If you don't LOVE doing it, chances are... it's not working for you anyway ;)

Sunday, October 17, 2004

A Geek's Night Out

Last night the stars must have been lined up just right, because that rare chance came along for me to get out of the house - alone! - and I went for it ;)

My children were both gone for overnights with friends & family, and my father stayed with my grandmother for a few hours, so I took the opportunity to hit my favorite sushi bar. It's a quiet little hole-in-the-wall place a couple of towns over, owned by the same family that runs the popular sushi bar I used to frequent in the city.

I grabbed a few guides I'd been wanting to read, and headed out. It took me almost an hour to get there, which was just as well as I had a lot of things on my mind... so it was a good chance to just think it all through and clear my mind. I had actually brought along 6 guides/books because I was undecided on what I was in the mood to read when I left, but by the time I arrived I had settled on a couple of smaller ones (quick reads) and took them in with me.

The sushi was fabulous, and I totally indulged myself! I ordered my favorite: Unagi, the Las Vegas Roll and a Crunchy Shrimp Roll. Mmmm.

Keeping me company was a report by Karon Thackston titled How To Increase Keyword Saturation (Without Destroying the Flow of Your Copy) - Karon is the author of The Step-by-Step Copywriting Course, which focuses on SEO Copywriting (or writing copy that increases your search engine ranking AND appeals to your visitors - ie converts well). I had added this report to my order when I bought the Course, but hadnt had a chance to read it yet... so I had it printed out along with a couple of the Bonuses I received from Karon.

I have to say... eel, crab, seo, cream cheese, shrimp, copywriting... total geek heaven!

I wasnt expecting to learn anything mind-blowing or new. I kinda figured Karon would talk about keyword density, keyword saturation, etc etc. Boy, was I wrong! I got so many new ideas from the first chapter alone that I was ready to take a second look at my entire site right then and there. Her specialty is in writing FOR the visitor, but in a way that really enhances your on-the-page optimization. She was right on target with this particular report - full of great ways to write that will serve both purposes. Impressive!

Some keywords are easy to work in... others are not. After reading up on her methods, I'm going to go back to my keyword research and take a second look at some of those search terms I passed up that just seemed too "odd" to work with or too difficult to make them 'sound right' in the copy. There's definitely more potential there than I realized.

It was a quick read, 8 short chapters, but all information & examples - no fluff. I also read a couple of interviews Karon did, looked over the Search Engine Checklist (a very cool, unadvertised bonus) and then read up a bit on article syndication. By then I had finished my last bite of sushi and wrapped it up for the trip home.

It was a nice, quiet ride... and my mind was reeling. Now, more than ever, I am excited about getting my new site up and 'playing' with all of these ideas, methods & strategies I've been soaking up lately. Every new concept I learn just adds to the overall profit potential and gets me motivated about it all over again!

Next on my list - the RSS Course by Joe Vitale. It's a freebie at his Stampede Secret site, which teaches you the strategy behind getting highly targeted traffic using blogs & rss feeds. I didnt have time to read it as it came in this week, so I printed out each lesson and plan to hit the entire course at once. It's easier for me that way... plus I can absorb the information better as a whole than in little bits at a time. Call it a quirk :p

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Internet Marketing Prophecies

Several posts ago I mentioned my feelings on the possibility of a virtual earthquake at GuruDAQ - meaning, I feel that things are really shaking up in the Internet Marketing industry, and there's a whole slew of new folks on the rise.

Now, I'm no prophet - this is just gut instinct, or in the worst case 'just my take on it'. But I'm feeling fairly strong about it nonetheless.

I've been keeping a close eye on the IM circuit since I first noticed the subtle changes, and then the more recent and more obvious instances that got people talking. I'm not alone in my observations, though I doubt any of us can truly predict where it's all heading.

One thing I would bet on, though, is that the 2005 events - seminars, conferences, etc - will be quite interesting. Who's speaking, the turn of topics... all of it.

Now its nothing new for an unkown name to rise up and claim the title of Expert or Guru with a timely product or book - we've seen that happen over and over again. What's interesting is that we dont really know "what comes next". Just in the last three years alone, a serious amount of IM History has been made - which, done in detail, would make for one hell of a book.

Rudl doesnt rule the roost anymore. Joyner left the scene. The people who are "at the top" now are 3 year veterans for the most part, with a few exceptions - "old timers" who've been around 6-10 years.

And like they say about roaches... for every one that you know or see, there are thousands more behind the scenes. They are quietly earning their fortunes - with no need to share their secrets or become famous for their success. Those people are incredibly interesting. You'll find them at conferences and seminars, and if you're lucky enough to get a drink or two in them after hours... you can often learn more than you did from the entire event itself.

Remember 5 years ago? Y2K was the hottest topic on the planet. Where were you then? And how do you feel about it now, looking back? (Seems like forever ago, doesnt it?)

Technology is changing every day, and it's changing lives. Faster right here than it ever has anywhere else. A simple southern woman like me isnt stuck waiting tables to make ends meet, or worse - marrying out of necessity. We have choices now that our parents didnt have - options that we werent even aware of when we were pursuing an education as young adults. It's no wonder that there is a lack of support out there - they can hardly fathom what we're doing, much less what we are dreaming!

So what's around the bend? Who will be in and who will be out? It could be anyone's guess, I suppose... but there are definitely signs. The question is: when the dust settles, where will YOU be left standing?

My advice: dont get caught up in "current methods" or Internet Marketing fads. Pave your own road - define your own success. Build strong alliances that are based on rock-solid foundations, and position yourself strategically.

Everything that we do - every single day - is taking us closer to reaching our Goals in life and business. Take deliberate steps, even if they are small ones, because you will end up exactly where you guide yourself.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Why Friday's Are Important

I just received another email from Mike Litman that asked some great thought-provoking questions. I'd like to share that with you, along with my answers to Mike's questions, and then you can join in with your own answers when you leave a comment. C'mon, it'll be fun ;)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey Lynn!

Can I be 100% honest with you?

Ok, thanks.

Today is Friday and to me Friday's are very important in my business, here's why.

For me, there's is nothing 'business worse' then a week gone by with little to no personal or business growth.


Because if so, I just wasted an entire week. I just wasted over 100 hours of my life.

Remember, TIME is the most important currency we have, right?

You must look back at your week TODAY and ask yourself a few questions.

What have I learned?

How did I grow?

How did my business grow?

What one action did I take this week that I'm most proud of?

Why did I do it?

How could I have served more people?

What do I want to accomplish by next Friday? (write it down)

There is no way that you can ACCEPT going an entire week and not growing.

No way Jose.

It's just NOT ACCEPTABLE any more. You agree?

Make a COMMITMENT to daily and weekly growth. Can I recommend that each Friday you look back at your week and see how you've MUST do it.

Socrates said, 'An unexamined life isn't worth living.' Start examining your life and start stretching yourself EVEN more.

You don't have to get things always right in life, you just have to get them going.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Mike Litman

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My Answers:

What have I learned?

This week I have learned that all things happen for a reason - in their own time. To trust my instincts and to go with the flow. I have also learned that I am on the right track - in every area of my life - and that feeling "uncomfortable" is a good sign that I am not complacent.

How did I grow?

By being strong when I needed to be, and by being forgiving in an area where I could have very easily held on to old resentments - I grew simply by realizing more about my own core values and goals. This all led to a feeling of personal contentment, and allowed me to close doors on my past that were holding me back, and really begin to envision my future more clearly.

How did my business grow?

With every step forward that I take, my business moves forward right along with me. Being an entrepreneur, my personal and professional life are very closely connected. Being focused, motivated or excited about something shows through very strongly in everything that I do - in my newsletter, on my forum, here at my blog even...

My business has grown this week, specifically, through strengthened personal connections. And, while not launched or announced yet, several 'deals' in the works were sealed this week.

What one action did I take this week that I'm most proud of?

I shared the excitement and potential that I feel about a project with it's owner - added ideas to it, gave examples, and helped them to envision the direction it will most likely take. My thoughts and feelings were very sincere, and it was probably the most fun I had on the phone all week (I absolutely love brainstorming!). But I say that I am most proud of this because I truly feel as if this person caught the vision for something they felt hesitant about before...

Why did I do it?

Because that's what I do best :)
It pretty much just comes naturally.

How could I have served more people?

By answering more of my emails.

Unfortunately, I receive so many, it's practically impossible to answer them all right away. I do my best. Obviously newsletter subscribers, forum members and those involved with my private mentoring site... get top priority when it comes to my attention. This is something I'm working on - I'd like to be able to offer a fast and thorough response to *everyone* that asks a question, or sends a request. Maybe I can come up with a good solution to that one...

What do I want to accomplish by next Friday? (write it down)

I want to upload the updates to my website - the new layout, new categories, all of the new pages. AND I want to catch up on my email.

Your turn! :)

Negative Reviews

I've only requested two refunds out of all of the products I've purchased online over the years. Well, and I'm about to make that 3 as I have a phonecall to make today regarding a service I cancelled that I am still getting billed for six months later... Still, that's not bad at all, considering how much I spend online.

Now if I never use a program or product that I buy, that's my problem. And I'm guilty of that on a few occassions. But if I cant use a product or program, for one reason or another, then I'll request a refund.

Almost 3 months ago I bought a brand new program. Something I felt I could use in my daily tasks, and also something I wanted to check out with the intention of promoting it. I was sorely disappointed, and requested a refund. The owners replied with the request that I stay on with the product, as they were coming out with some really cool updates, and seemed very interested in my feedback. I agreed to that and have kept an eye on the program and its updates for the last few months.

Yesterday, after the latest update, I again requested a refund - politely, of course. The response I received... well, he said:

"Are you kidding me??"

I sent a simple response of, "No, I'm not kidding." And then he sent me dry instructions for requesting the refund. I walked away from this experience with a bad taste in my mouth. No big deal, really, but I doubt I will be buying from these merchants in the future.

The other refund that I mentioned was handled in a very dry manner as well, but fast and professionally handled at least. I sent an email letting them know I couldnt use the items, the following morning I received a notice that the amount was credited back to my account (from the payment processor - not the merchant). I've never received a reply directly from the merchant. Again, no big deal - it just struck me as odd.

I was recently asked to write a Review on for a book that I own. I went and looked at the Reviews that are already featured... and could tell they were all written by friends & associates. And I didnt agree with any of them. I chose to just not leave a Review at all (rather than tarnish his reputation as an Author with my thoughts on it).

It's very tempting to write Negative Reviews in the same way I would Positive Reviews. I read a book, I tell you it's great - you might want to read it, too. I read a book and it stinks... and it's usually just better left unmentioned. Or is it?

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The WordBiz Report : Blogging Tips

I was just reading the WordBiz Report by Debbie Weil (, in which she gave the "Top 5 Tips for Writing a Business Blog". I dont really consider ClickNewz a "business blog" - its exactly what it says: behind the scenes with Lynn - so perhaps that's the reason I couldnt really relate with the article... or maybe I'm just doing this all wrong.

First, she shares the big "don't", which was:

Here's a big "don't." Obvious, maybe. But worth pondering. I found the following tip on a blog that shall remain anonymous. It's breathtakingly wrong:

To create a good web blog just write out the thoughts that come into your mind and before you know it you'll be blogging away to beat the band.

Hmm. Strike one for Lynn. Of course, I didnt get to read the rest of that writers thoughts on the topic, but I assume this is all based on "blogging for profit" versus just "blogging". Personally, I like to hear other people's candid thoughts, which is why I read their blogs. Its a refreshing change from the style in sales letters and ezines, and really gives you an opportunity to get to know a person. I find "business blogs" to be stale and boring. But I do like the blogs of certain business owners that talk about their take on a particular topic, or their goals & challenges - or just TALK in general (versus 'pitch').

But I guess that makes me "breathtakingly wrong" (<- a little harsh, dont ya think?) The next don't was:

"Don't be selfish. No one cares about you." (written by Seth Godin)

I'm not so sure how I feel about this one, either. And I like Seth Godin - and Debbie Weil too, for that matter. But, um, if no one cares about me - - then why in the world do they read my blog??

Well, strike two for Lynn. I talk about "me" all the time... and anything else on "my" mind.

You can read the 5 Tips for yourself online at . Some of them were interesting. All of them were thought provoking.

So I guess the question at hand is: Why do I blog? -and maybe: Who do I blog for?

I dont know. Maybe I just want to be heard. Maybe I just want to stop marketing, and just *talk*. Maybe I would like for you to know the real me, and have the opportunity to get to know you. Maybe its just fun. Maybe 'business journaling' is a good way for me to sort thoughts out and leave notes for myself.

Whatever the reason, I enjoy it - it's been lots of fun, there's been tons of great feedback... and I cant imagine quitting anytime soon!

If you have a moment, I'd love to hear from you: your thoughts on blogging (as a blogger), your thoughts on my blog (as a reader) - or any thoughts at all you have about blogs & blogging! And feel free to use the words me and I as much as you want to in your comment ;) :p

And of course if you have suggestions on things you'd like to see in my blog (specifically), or the types of posts you enjoy the most - or any feedback whatsoever - I'm all ears!

There are lots of interesting discussions going around about blogging - and lots of great resources, too. One of the most recent threads on my forum - posted by BJ - is: Print and Sell Your Blog. And there's lots more where that came from under Blogs, Bloggers & Blogging at the SSWT Forum.

Lynn adds: I believe I've found the "breathtakingly wrong" reference, which it appears Debbie has removed from the article. You can find it - and the rest of his Blogging Tips - at . I thought it was a great post, start to finish! ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Life has a way of bringing things around full circle - but all in one day??

Life has a way of bringing things around full circle - good or bad. I feel like I've gotten a good dose of that today, and from several different directions. It's all good, though, as I've felt I was approaching a turning point in my life for some time now... and this is all a part of making that transition.

It's been sort of a "twilight zone" type of day. Several things coming to a head that had been looming in the background for quite some time. Resolution... accountability. All out of the blue. And oddly enough, not just for me personally - but for people around me, that are a part of my life in one way or another.

And then, when I went to the basement to hunt down some paperwork for an old friend - I heard a kitten. And when I called... she came running. It was a black cat - but she didnt "cross my path"... she jumped into my arms. And she was quickly adopted by the kids. A cute thing, she is :)

Seems life is in the mood to hand out fresh starts - which begins with settling old debts (of any kind - even emotional). Its time to move on to bigger and better things, right? Time to put it all behind us - get it taken care of. Move on. Live up to our full potential :)

I'm off - I have a friend to call. Just a wild guess, but I'm betting her day has been as eventful and she could use an ear...

Grab a Piece of Paper...

I want to share with you the email I just got from Mike Litman:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey Lynn!

It's 9:37am EST and I wanted to write an email to you because I think this can help you.

I just got off the phone with a client of mine who I coach.

What amazed me about this person is that he had tremendous success in the past but for the last 2 years he's been depressed, disorganized, procrastinating a ton, and his income has dropped a lot.

I could tell he'd been 'beating himself' up a bit because he just didn't sound like himself.

What happened is 2 years ago he went out 'on his own' and he's dropped the ball. Like he almost forgot how great he was.

I was trying to get to the bottom of his challenge and it turned out to be very easy.

It ended up being so easy that I was surprised.

Here's how he was destroying himself.

He had NEW BELIEFS about himself and his business that were SO NEGATIVE that I was shocked.

He had so many 'What if's', that were so NEGATIVE and SELF-SABOTAGING that it was no wonder his results were horrible.

What we did was bring these negative beliefs to the forefront and once we did, he started laughing because he realized how ridiculous these beliefs were.

He felt 10,000 pounds lighter and he started seeing his future so much clearer.

What negative beliefs are you attaching yourself to that are holding you back?

Do you believe you don't deserve success?

Do you believe you're not worthy of being great?

Get a piece of paper and write down all the beliefs that are holding you back.

What happens is when you put them DOWN ON PAPER you realize how stupid they are.

Most people keep everything in their head and put nothing down on paper.

Putting things down on paper helps bring CLARITY to your thinking.

99% of the negative beliefs people hold are a complete lie.

They're just not true, but people start holding onto them and over time they start believing that they're real.

Ask yourself, what negative beliefs do I have that are holding me hostage?

This is very important stuff.

You need to work on yourself if you want to succeed.

Let's go! :}

Talk to you soon.

Mike Litman

P.S. You deserve to have absolute clarity in your life. You deserve to have zero negative beliefs. You deserve financial freedom.

Click here to get a free copy of Mike Litman's CD

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This is a good exercise - one I know that I can benefit from, myself... what about you?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Advertising on Forums

I just got word that you can now advertise on the ClickBank Success Forum. Details can be found here: . The prices are *very* reasonable - of course, you'd have to test the response & conversion.

My first thought? I wonder why they are accepting paid advertising versus running their own ads. It looks like they're doing that already... so does that mean that they arent earning as much on those ads as they would be from advertisers? I guess I'm asking: why would you give up the space for $x if that space was already earning you that much or more?


It's a thought that's crossed my mind over the last year or so - that I could offer an ad spot at my forum, site or newsletter. I always dismissed it, though, as I like total control over the ads that are displayed - - that they match my market, promote a decent product, etc. Not to mention the time involved in accepting advertising and keeping up with it all. And then there's the concept that if the space is valuable enough to sell, that it's even more valuable to me than that dollar amount. Like I said, I've never seriously considered it.

And on that note, I'd better get back to my website updates - which includes updating my forum template ;)

Going with the flow...

I'm feeling much more in tune today - ready to tackle the week now ;)

I decided not to launch the new template last night, as the timing just wasnt right. I accomplished a lot with the site, though, and feel more like writing today. Some days it just flows out of you, some days it doesnt - we've got to go with the flow, right?

Joe Vitale's Web Cast is this evening, and I'm really looking forward to that. I imagine it will really inspire me, too, so I am setting some quiet time aside for later tonight so that I can work on my website and go over my notes.... brainstorm a bit and really put the pieces together.

The seats are limited, so if you want to get registered and join in, you can do that here:

I'm off to make lunch, and then to work on the site a bit. I'm feeling GOOD about the day - How about you?

Monday, October 11, 2004

Thinking Out Loud

Wow, after such a busy weekend, I'm not sure if I'm ready for it to be Monday morning! I think it would be a good idea to schedule an outing this week - perhaps a trip to my favorite sushi bar a couple of counties over.

Unagi is my favorite, and those deep-fried rolls with eel and cream cheese and crab... those just blow my taste buds away! Okay - done deal - I'm definitely scheduling some time to get away and indulge!

But for now... back to Monday morning and my second cup of coffee ;)

On today's agenda is email, a set of updates for a client and working on the updates to my own site. I'm planning to launch it this evening, but that may be a bit of a stretch. No stress - I'm just going to go with the flow here. There's no sense in me getting in pinch over it, or anything.

I've enjoyed working on it so far, and I look forward to tracking the results. It's going to give me a lot more room to be creative and to share my thoughts on a wider variety of topics - and with a stronger focus. I believe it will tie everything in together quite nicely.

I do have some other things on my mind this morning - thoughts I need to work through. One is that I'm not happy with the layout of my office and have thought of every possible way I might rearrange it for a more productive & comfortable work space. I'm at a loss with it at the moment because of where the plugs are located and the fact that there are three doors into this room. I would prefer not to have my back to any of those doors, but it may just mean moving to another room altogether.

One of my systems is down, too. I think we have a total of 5 computers in the house - three here on my desk, one up in the kids room (though they rarely use that one anymore) and a "portable" e-machine that the kids tend to move from room to room. They play games on it, hook the playstation into it, etc. Anyway, the one that's down is a custom-built system, and I just hate to part with it. I'm going to call the shop in the morning (as they're not open on Mondays) and get a price on a motherboard and processor... and decide from there if I want to repair it, or part it out on eBay and then replace it. And then I have to ask myself, do we really need that system?

Speaking of eBay, it's high time for me to run a set of auctions - and this is a good time of year to do it. I have an old laptop (IBM ThinkPad), some PCMCIA network cards, a collection of English coins, an Estee Lauder gift set, extra memory cards for a digi cam & SanDisk reader, etc etc. Lots of odds and ends. A couple of printers, too (new in box). Maybe I can get to that later in the week and get them all live by Saturday night (which is the best time to start & end auctions, in my opinion).

Just thinking out loud... I'd better get to work ;)

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Saturday with Lynn

It's Saturday once again - where do the weeks go? Seems they just fly by anymore...

My daughter is in year-round school, and she's been off this past week. It's 9 weeks on and then 3 weeks off, or something close to that. And... her father "had something better to do" this weekend, so she's home for the weekend, too. Not that big of a deal to me. I'm one of those 'go with the flow' gals anyway - plus, she's a great kid. But it does kinda throw the schedule off, and I have to admit... I'm craving some quiet time.

Any little change like that, too, gets Grandmother "confused". Last night she wandered through the house for almost two hours before she finally went to bed - trying to figure out where "all this company" was going to sleep. I dont think I ever convinced her that we all live here together, the same old crew that sleeps here every night... but she did finally give up and go to sleep. After which, I was nothing short of exhausted.

Today my daughter is having a friend over - and I really like this kid. She is well mannered, and they play really good together. I always say "two is better than one" when it comes to entertaining children. As long as they have someone to play with, they seem perfectly content. Of course my kids know better than to ever say, "I'm bored" - because that's when I say, "Oh, Great!! Because your room needs to be cleaned, and when you're done... if you're still bored... the bathroom could use some attention, too" ;) hehe

Tomorrow - the 10th - is my son's 13th birthday. This is a special day for me... celebrating the day I became a mother. This year it's even more special, as he's turning from a child into a teen. He's a handsome little fellow, and seems to be pretty popular with the other kids his age. I'm really (really) proud of him. He has overcome a lot, and even at his young age - has taken deliberate steps to make positive change in his life.

I can remember the talks we had a few years ago - somewhere between all the divorce drama and now. Zack and I really had a hard time getting through it all. But once I finally found peace and began to put my life back together... I would sit and talk with him about his feelings. I said to him then, "I'm happy now. I wish I could just take that and hand it to you... but the fact is, I cant. You have to find yours yourself".

Zack's a smart kid. Well they both are, really. They came home with straight A's this time around. Zack, I figured on. Ann Marie - I admit, I was happily surprised! Not that she isnt intelligent, because she is. Just that she is very social, easily distracted, and pretty much self-absorbed (but what 8 year old isnt? LOL). Zack, on the other hand, only makes lower grades when something is 'wrong' - feelings, issues, conflict with a teacher, etc.

I always knew there was something different about him. I was a young mother, though - and he was my first child. Most of the 'signs' were more irritating than anything. He just wasnt "normal". For example, when he was 2 years old, he used to recite books back to me. And this was while I was reading them, mind you - he would be one sentence behind me, repeating the entire story to the end. Then he would pick up the book and "read" it back to me. My thoughts at the time were, "Why can I just read you a bedtime story!?" LOL - I was at my wits end on getting this child to sleep. He didnt sleep through the night until after he was 5 years old. As a baby, waking every 10 minutes screaming. As a preschool-aged child, waking in the night in terror.

When he started kindergarten, they put him in 2nd & 4th grade. By 3rd grade, he had topped out on a 12th grade level. And then at 9 years old, he began having grand mal seizures in his sleep.

Thirteen years. It's just so hard to believe. Some of my friends with children the same age are just now starting to have problems with theirs... I feel like life is just now getting GOOD. He's the man of the house. A perfect little gentleman. He opens doors and carries in groceries. And all he needs is a $20 bill and a ride, and he's a happy camper ;)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Installing WordPress

I've just gotta Blog this, cuz I feel like such a moron! Remember a couple of posts back when I was hem-hawing around about a 'permanent' blog solution? I was looking at WordPress and Serendipity. The main reason I want to host my Blog on my own servers is full control and full-blown stats. I've had the "" domain for way longer than I've actually had the blog - and now that I'm done test-driving this whole concept... I'm ready to dig in and be an official 'Blogger' :)

Well, I was digging around in my cpanel tonight - looking up some info for Sam who asked a question about ThirdSphere on my discussion forum. I've been hosting with them for around 6 months now, but I still have just barely scratched the surface on all they have to offer. And yes, this is the same host I recommend that has a residual commission structure. You can check them out here:

Anyway, it turns out that WordPress is offered right there within the control panel - one click installation! So I pointed the domain, set up the account under my main domain, and installed WordPress to the new account. Bam - 5 minutes flat and we're done!

Remind me the next time I go looking for something that it's probably right under my nose :p

Okay, so now what? Is it goodbye Blogger and hello WordPress... is it really that simple? What about all of the inbound links to this url ( Blog-hopping has its drawbacks, right? Hmm - I'll head over to the forum and get some feedback on this one...

Ooh - I'm Famous!

Well would ya look at that! My name showed up in John Reese's newsletter this evening ;)

Of course, I cant take the credit... It's all about Alice Seba. And she's brilliant, I tell ya! As you know, Alice is hosting the Power Moms Cruise in February - an event which I'll be speaking at. If you click on that link, you can hear a free Teleseminar on Passive Income that we did last week.

I'm actually working on some things now which I'll be sharing on the Cruise in February - which is why I'm pressing myself to get out of my rut (with the design) and move forward with the new layout for my site. I could actually talk for hours on the topic of Passive Income (no kidding! LOL), but I'm testing a few *easy* theories right now, and it will be fun to share those results in detail in addition to the information I am preparing. Examples and results speak for themselves ;)

Besides, the more Passive Income the better, right? {smile}

I was looking at a brand new program just last night... and have had it in the back of my mind all day today. It looks good - new, priced right, 50% recurring commission... and a 2-tier structure with 15% recurring commission on that 2nd tier. I want to take the product for a test-drive first, though and check it out for myself - - but if I can get in quick, there may be huge potential here.

Back to the topic at hand, though... In my last newsletter issue, just a couple of days ago, I mentioned 'increasing your reach'. I mentioned it briefly on the Teleseminar that I linked to above, also. And receiving the email where John Reese mentions my name and online community, as well as a link to the Cruise event... is the perfect example of how beneficial this is.

Consider this. Alice Seba runs Internet Based Moms. I run Self-Starters Weekly Tips. Sure, she caters specifically to work-at-home-moms, and my target market is wide open to men and women alike (parents or not)... but outside of that, what we do is much of the same. In fact, for almost every keyword I shoot for in the major SE's, I have Alice to compete with. When Traffic Secrets first came out, for example, the week following she was #1 for the term, Mike Merz was #2 and I ranked in at #3. Well, and Mike is another good example - we hit pretty much the same target market... but check out who's featured on his home page ;)

My point? Partnering outweighs competing when it comes to benefits. BY FAR. I dont have any problem admitting that the majority of my success in business is a direct result of my associations with others in the industry. Alliances can be extremely powerful!

That said, there's plenty of talk about "guru back patting" going on lately - and yes, that raises suspicion. But good old fashioned networking, co-promotion and partnerships... well, it simply cant be beat.

Now... about Alice - she's obviously one up on me. Hmmm, I'll have to come up with something really good to bring her when we meet up again in February ;)

Deadline Set!

This morning I was going over my calendar for October, making note of upcoming events and such... and I jotted down a note in the 10/11 box to go live with my site template. It was spontaneous, and I had to step back and ask myself if it was realistic. Sure it is, I thought. It doesnt have to be perfect. It doesnt have to be completed. The logo or header doesnt even have to be done - I can always go with the plain jane text header I have now - worst case scenario, and add the graphics as they're ready... Right?

Right. And that's what I'm gonna do. My reason? I have a goal to accomplish this month, and many of the new sections and updated pages will make that happen. Besides, if I never set a deadline - or a definite launch date - this may just drag out for several more months!

Then, during lunch, I read the 'Stomper Update' by Brad Fallon, in which he said: Remember, the #1 rule of internet marketing: watch out for analysis paralysis. Just take action and make positive improvements every day.

I think he wrote that just for me, whether he realized it or not ;)

Women Over 30

(credit goes to Denise Michaels for passing this one on!)

Here is a piece written by Andy Rooney - of CBS 60 Minutes.

Women Over 30

As I grow in age, I value women who are over 30 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman over 30 will not lay next to you in bed and ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.

If a woman over 30 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting.

A woman over 30 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 30 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing.

Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.

A woman over 30 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women. Women over 30 couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won't betray her.

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 30. They always know.

A woman over 30 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women or drag queens.

Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 30 is far sexier than her younger counterpart.

Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.

Yes, we praise women over 30 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 30+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress. Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free." Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

Lynn says: I'll blog to that! *cheers*

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Outsource it! Logo ordered...

After much thought, I decided to stop agonizing over the template and just outsource the part that is holding me up. It's really not worth all of the time wasted and me being irritated over it. I started by ordering a custom logo, so we'll see how that turns out... and my back-up plan is to have a 'set' done by Max Covers (header, footer & ezine graphic). I think he usually does "mini sites", but his work is good.

My day has been spent catching up on this week's email... and letting the wheels spin in the back of my mind all the while. I say it's high time for a Brain Dump. What'dya think?

Taking My Own Advice

Wow, ya know - for the last week or so my thoughts have been in such a whirl, its been really hard to just pluck one thought out and Blog about it. I miss it though. I got hooked on Blogging from the get-go and really found it a good way to find my focus and get my thoughts laid out.

Even now, my mind is going in a hundred directions. It's only 9am, too. I'm sitting here sucking on a junior mint and drinking my 2nd cup of coffee... trying really hard to find a starting point with it all. Steve MacLellan and I have been having a discussion back and forth over at Kevin Robb's new forum ( - about list building and just marketing in general. Anyway, he shared this post on his forum this morning - which I found hilarious:

LOL :)

Then I was reading Paul Short's "Something to Blog About" this morning (, and he offered up a couple of great Blogging resources. Namely and (which is Serendipity, another Blog platform). I'm ready to set my Blog up on my hosting server, point my domain to it, and really dig into this Blogging stuff - - so I'm looking seriously into both Serendipity and WordPress. I like the idea of going with something different, it looks incredibly easy to customize... and I like the name "Serendipity" - did you see the movie by the same name, btw??

Ahh - ok - and here's what's simmering underneath it all: I'm working on a new template for my site. Actually, I've been working on it for a very very very long time. I just cant seem to settle on anything with it at all. I started out with a very graphical header that defined the site as an "interactive community" and ended up ditching that as I felt it really took away from the content - which should be the main focus on many of the pages (and compelling invitations to 'join in' can be worked into the copy, of course)... I could go on and on here, but suffice it to say - I'm just needing a break from it. On the one hand, I feel as if even 'bad' is better than what I've got now (LOL) - but on the other hand, I want to get it right and get it done.

I really want to go with simple & clean. I want the focus to be on the copy. I also want to convey the message that websites dont have to be complicated or fancy to be successful. And then, too, it doesnt take very many searches to find that it wont take much to out-do the "competition"... or at least stand equal.

I know the solution. I know that I'm agonizing over this for no reason. I know that "get it done" is better than "do it perfect". Perhaps I can just go with what I've got, and start working on the copy and on the various categories - that's the part I am actually excited about. The part I'll enjoy. I could always come back to the template and make modifications later...

It's time to take my own advice, and FOCUS. Let everything that I do fall in line with what I want to accomplish. And that's what I'm off to do... with my 3rd cup of coffee in hand.