Revenue Magazine
This particular issue focused on international affiliate marketing - or "thinking globally". Or as the editor put it: just because it's snowing where you are doesnt mean it's not summer somewhere else in the world.
It was a great issue! I loved the fact that familiar names were mentioned - such as Jim Daniels and Ken McArthur etc. The entire magazine is full of color, photos & illustrations. The ads and articles are laid out so well that it just makes the magazine easy to pick up and flip through... or read cover-to-cover.
Speaking of the Ads, they were very much on target. So much so that I read almost EVERY ONE (down to the fine print!)... and even followed up with most of them online! I found affiliate programs that interested me, websites I wanted to check out, upcoming events to consider - and a lot more.
This is a magazine with character of its own, and one that I can really "relate to". It's NICE to have a publication that is completely devoted to Affiliate Marketing and eBiz - versus the more corporate business mags or techie geek stuff.
I actually got this issue free through my LinkShare account last month... but now that I've read it, I'm HOOKED. For around 5 bucks an issue - I am subscribing TODAY! You should definitely check it out - at the very least go to the website and check out the "editorial" section to browse recent issues.
This magazine is chock full of information and opportunity. If you read it... and check out the websites & resources mentioned (yes, even in the ads!)... you can consider that 5 bucks a small investment for what could be a very large return ;)
In fact... I got 2 fantastic new business ideas while reading this issue, so I'm off to outline the plans for those sites!
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