Thursday, May 12, 2005

Organizing my ideas...

My ISP was down for a little while this morning, so I took that opportunity to clean & organize my work area a bit and go out for a quick breakfast. Fortunately it was back up when I returned around 9:30am.

Most of the things I found on my desk earlier this morning were ideas. My mind has really been kicking out some good ones lately so I had them jotted down here, there and everywhere - making a complete mess of my desk in the process!

Of course, organizing all of those ideas made me ponder the thought of putting them into action... along with all of the other projects I have going (or currently on hold at the moment) - - and realistically, I cant do them all. Even if I could, I wouldnt want to spend the time to manage it all.

Outsourcing is an option. Or hiring a part-time assistant. Ideally I would love to hire someone that could work on-site again (that has always worked out well for me)... and it would be an added bonus if they were willing to 'babysit' on the side. [grin]

I'll have to put some more thought into that. For now, I'm off to catch up on the dreaded email! ;)