Friday, May 13, 2005

Sunshine, Carnivals & Summer Break

The weather here in Tennessee has been absolutely gorgeous lately. Hot, humid, sunny... and luring me outdoors every chance it gets. Some days are stifling hot, but it's still a great break from the chilly weather of late Winter and early Spring. For the most part there has been just enough of a breeze to make the afternoons perfect.

My petunias have grown twice their size in the last week, and are full of deep purple blooms. Big full pots of begonias sit on each side of my hammock swing in the back yard, obviously content with the great mix of sun and shade there. This is the most perfect time of year in Tennessee, with everything blooming out so full and colorful in the warm sunshine.

The season itself is in full bloom with proms & graduations, carnivals and roadside flower stands. The children will be out of school so soon now that they are counting down the days. We've been choosing summer camps and making plans for the rest of their summer vacation... shopping for shorts & swimsuits and looking at new camping gear.

Last night we stayed out late and I barely got the children in bed by 10 o'clock (on a school night, no less). We had gone to the traveling carnival that is in town for the week. Ann Marie had her first ride on a Ferris Wheel, and we spent the next two hours riding all sorts of crazy rides and eating funnel cakes with powdered sugar. We were all hot, nautious and incredibly tired when we left... but it was a great night nonetheless.

Spring Fever I think is what they call this... It hit me late this year because we had such cool weather up until the last week or so. It's definitely time to 'tune up' the laptop, because I have a feeling we'll be on the go for the next few months ;)