Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Free Copy of John Reese's CD & PDF

As you may have heard, John Reese is offering a free copy of The Reese Report for a limited time. To download a digital copy of the 20-page newsletter (in PDF format) and the CD-Rom archive (in a .zip file) -- FREE -- go to: ReeseReport.com .

John is only offering this download for a very short time - The Reese Report generally sells for $95. Grab a copy while you can ;-)

Click here ==> ReeseReport.com

Monday, February 27, 2006

Single Again...

This is definitely a 'behind the scenes' post ;-)

As you might have guessed, Albert and I parted ways several months ago. After 2+ years together, the relationship just wasn't going in a good direction. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say I am now a single woman (yet again)!

It's been a few months actually... but somehow I had a hard time admitting the failure and fessing up to the fact that I was a fool in it all. Who knew, right? I suppose it's only natural to take the time to deal with it all before you can brush yourself off and move on.

Despite my tendency to relocate, I've decided (at least for now, LOL) to grow some roots here in this small town. I do have some family here, and lately I've been making some new friends and finding some new things to get into. The kids seem very grounded here, too, which was a big factor in my decision to stay - even after Grandmother passed. She was my reason for moving here in the first place... and it feels like that is 'roots' enough to grow on.

Lately life has been all about me and the kids. I've lost 13 pounds while participating in the Body Challenge (alongside several other Internet Marketers). I bought some new furniture, had a few weekend slumber parties with the kids, got my hair lightened, and caught up with some old friends. Ann Marie is joining a softball league, Zack has just set up a dedicated server on America's Army with a few of his buddies... and we are all three having a great time and staying on the go.

Life is good :-)

So what's on the agenda for me, now? For the rest of this year I'm going to focus on my work, on my book... and on myself. I have a few trips planned as well - some business, some pleasure. I love to travel, and there's nothing better than a little adventure... especially when it involves sunshine, bare feet and lots of fun!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Blogging & Affiliate Marketing

I just got an email this morning on two new white papers about blogging. I havent had a chance to read them yet, but I grabbed a copy of each and thought I'd pass the link along to anyone who's interested.

There are two, titled:

Making Blogs Work for your Online Business

and Affiliate Marketing & Blogs

You can get them both at:


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Men are from Wal-Mart??

Calling all Women in their 40's!

Yana Berlin has finally launched her sassy site, shamelessly titled Fabulously40.com! I was thrilled to get the email from Yana that her site was launched and live - because I knew it was a super concept from the first time that she shared her the ideas with me. But the site actually turned out even better than I envisioned!

Take a peek for yourself:

I'm quickly approaching 33... but must admit that I envy the 40-somethings! It seems the 20's are spent recovering and scrambling (building). The 30's are spent shuffling and managing (maintaining). But the 40's --- ahhh, that's when a woman truly hits her prime and can enjoy the fruits of her labor ;-)

Of course, I perused the site anyway (shhh - dont tell anyone!). I LOVED the article titled Are Women From Utopia And Men From Wal-Mart?

It's a must-read. No matter what gender you are... or what age you are. I think you'll love it! ;-)

Got 40-something girl friends? Send them the link - pass it around!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Press Releases for Affiliate Sites

I was just reading this week's issue of NetProfitToday - definitely worth sharing, so here you go :-)


Do you think that press releases are only issued by ‘big’ or ‘real world’ companies, and aren’t for smaller online or affiliate marketing sites and businesses?

If so, you’ll be surprised to learn that most successful businesses - online and off - use press releases to promote and market themselves.

I was surprised myself to learn that my friend and highly successful Internet marketer, Lee Romanov, uses press releases extensively to promote her online business.

To find out what she does, and how she uses press releases to market her online business, please read this week’s feature article:

How to Use Press Releases to Market Your Affiliate Sites

Friday, February 17, 2006

Selling Domains - Big Profit

Find out firsthand how Ellen Braun is turning a big profit selling domain names:

I was once again renewing a domain name which I had never developed into a web site. As I looked at the 15+ domain names that I owned within that registar (there are a few more registered with a different company), I wondered if I could earn some money by selling off my dot-coms.

We've all read about the millions that were paid to the lucky owner of domain names like loans.com. Although my domain names were not as short and snappy, some of mine were downright cool!

With that in mind, I put up a post listing several domain names for sale in Digital Point's 'sell domains' forum, which you can view here: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=50315 .

Rob sent me a private message inquiring as to the price of ParentingTipsAndAdvice.com. I had registered that domain in order to build a parenting website, however I decided that the domain sounded boring and technical. Instead I purchased and began building a parenting advice site with a more memorable domain name, http://www.RaisingSmallSouls.com/.

I emailed him that my asking price was $80. He responded that the domain name would be a gift for his sister, and he only had $40 to spare. I accepted the $40 offer, and transferred the domain name over to him. It took a few minutes of time on the phone with Yahoo's customer service, and twenty-four hours until the change took effect, yet now I know clearly what to do the next time I sell a domain name!

Considering that I originally purchased the domain name for $2.99 from Yahoo several weeks ago, I earned a whopping 1,337% return on my investment! Not bad at all for a first time domain seller. I plan to try this again soon!

Ellen C. Braun is a stay-at-home mom and entrepreneur. She is the author of Willpower Secrets: The Absolute Truth About Successful Weight Loss! Visit http://www.WillpowerSecrets.com/ to learn more about losing weight. To meet Ellen's kids and learn about running an online business from home, visit http://www.Womentrepreneurs.com/.

Yahoo! Domains

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Who's Your Sweetheart?

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? See: The History of Valentine's Day

Who's Your Sweetheart?

Valentine's day is always a special day of the year. A time to celebrate love and friendship in your life. Even during the years that I've been single (which has been most of 6 years now) I've always made it a point to celebrate - usually by ordering out a big yummy lunch, curling up with a few of my favorite old movies, and devouring a box of chocolates :-)

My oldest is 14 now, and he's not too 'cool' with being Mama's sweetheart this year (grin), but my little girl doesnt mind so much. She humors me anyway, at least - LOL. Regardless, they'll enjoy their chocolates that they find on their beds when they get home from school... and it will be fun to hear the stories from each of their days.

What about you? I'd love to hear what you have planned today... and all about your sweetheart!

Don't have one... and wish you did??
Find a Valentine on Yahoo! ;-)


Also, just a quick reminder that today is the final day of Alice Seba's Super Sweet Valentine's Day Sale. If you'd like to get a hold of one of her courses for more than half off...take advantage now:

Press Release Profits ~ stop paying for expensive advertising
=> Press Release Profits Course

Internet Marketing Sweetie ~ kill your competitor with kindness :-)
=> Internet Marketing Sweetie Course

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Creative Ways to Get Publicity

I got an email from Alice Seba this week that I thought I would share with you. Alice is not only a great friend, but she's also someone I admire very much. She has a terrific personality and writing style... and she has a lot of experience to share in regards to online business & internet marketing.

Here's that email:


I wanted to give you a heads up that I'm running a "Super Sweet Valentine's Sale" for both the Sweetie and press release courses.

I know that good Internet marketing information comes at a premium price these days...but I really want to make sure that my courses are as accessible as possible.

So, until Tuesday, February 14, I'm offering the two courses at a DEEP discount. I figured it was a sweetie thing to do...and given that it's Valentine's Day, well...you know! ;-)

Both courses will be offered for only $19.95 each (if you've had a change to go through the courses, you'll know this is an incredible value), but only until February 14, 2006.

Grab one... grab 'em both.
Here's to your online success!


Interested? I thought so - this is good stuff! Here are descriptions of Alice's two courses:

Press Release Profits Course

This is a complete system that show you exactly how to write and distribute a press release to get noticed by the media….potentially saving your hundreds or thousands of dollars in advertising costs.

The course includes an in-depth interview with Alice (who started her online career as a press release writer), study guide, sample releases, video critiques and more.

You’ll learn how to:

- create a great hook or topic for your press release
- write a great press release, without sounding like an ad
- build your own media list
- creative ways to get publicity

…and much more.

Grab your copy and stop paying for expensive advertising!
Press Release Profits Course

Internet Marketing Sweetie course

Internet Marketing Sweetie teaches people like you and me to get ahead in the cutthroat world of online business – all by being nice to people.

This isn’t just some flimsy ebook. This course includes audio, transcripts, workbooks and step-by-step instructions to:

- allow you to help as many people at a time as possible…and increase your profits at the same time.

- generate plenty of great content that your website visitors want and search engines will send free traffic to.

- building a responsive list that really likes to buy from you.

- how freebie seekers can actually HELP your business.

- how to build your network to connect with people you’ve been dying to meet.

…and of course, there’s more.

Get all the details and start "marketing like a Sweetie" at:
Internet Marketing Sweetie Course


Alice also has a FREE Truth about Traffic Course that is a great read. So even if you dont take her up on one of her special deals this week - download the free traffic course! And be sure to see her FREE Press Release Tutorial too. Good stuff!

Enjoy ;)