Sunday, September 19, 2004

Syndicating Forum Content

I got an email from Mike Merz this morning - one of those "top posts" type, though he calls his "The IM4Newbies Forum Update" - and he was discussing RSS & Content Syndication. He uses the Topics Anywhere mod for PHPBB to create his RSS Feed - a mod I'm familiar with and use already to syndicate my Forum Content to Michael Wong's Forum Watch .

I sat there and thought about it for a second, and began to realize that I could syndicate Forum Posts to My Yahoo pages, and that it could also be read in RSS Readers, like FeedDemon (the one that I use), etc. Hmm. Why limit syndication to Michael's Forum Watch, right? And why only syndicate my Blog content, when I have an entire Forum of fresh content as well...

So, yeah - the lightbulb went off. (Finally, right? I mean, it's not like RSS or Syndication is exactly new LOL). A couple of clicks later I had it:

Sweet, eh?

So now I'm interested in finding forums that offer RSS Feeds - as I can now surf both Forums AND Blogs through FeedDemon while I'm having my morning coffee ;) It cuts surfing time WAY down and gives me an opportunity to make my rounds on the 'net in no time!