Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Rosalind Gardner in Revenue Magazine

Issue 7 of Revenue Magazine arrived in the mail yesterday... and as usual, I've spent every spare second I could get my hands on to flip through it and check out all of the articles & advertisements.

You've probably already heard that Rosalind Gardner is now writing the "Affiliate's Corner" column for Revenue Mag - well, this was her first issue. She really put together a great article too, I have to say.

To give you a taste, here's how she closes on her article about Customer Service and how it relates to affiliate marketing:

"With ever-increasing numbers of affiliate competitors, branding yourself as a real and responsive webmaster will set your affiliate site high above the middling crowd"

It's nice to get a magazine that is SO in tune with what I am doing in my business every day. People I know, topics I'm interested in, even advertisements that make me want to bookmark a page! That sounds nuts, I know - but any Revenue reader will agree ;)

I kind of got a kick out of the "Pimp My Shopping Cart" feature on the front cover. LOL. But the cover story that caught my eye was Keeping Secrets: Successful Affiliates Don't Share... or Do They?

I'm off to check that out and call it a night. Remember, you can go to the website and check out the "editorial" section to browse recent issues... have a good one! ;)