Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Taking My Own Advice

Wow, ya know - for the last week or so my thoughts have been in such a whirl, its been really hard to just pluck one thought out and Blog about it. I miss it though. I got hooked on Blogging from the get-go and really found it a good way to find my focus and get my thoughts laid out.

Even now, my mind is going in a hundred directions. It's only 9am, too. I'm sitting here sucking on a junior mint and drinking my 2nd cup of coffee... trying really hard to find a starting point with it all. Steve MacLellan and I have been having a discussion back and forth over at Kevin Robb's new forum ( - about list building and just marketing in general. Anyway, he shared this post on his forum this morning - which I found hilarious:

LOL :)

Then I was reading Paul Short's "Something to Blog About" this morning (, and he offered up a couple of great Blogging resources. Namely and (which is Serendipity, another Blog platform). I'm ready to set my Blog up on my hosting server, point my domain to it, and really dig into this Blogging stuff - - so I'm looking seriously into both Serendipity and WordPress. I like the idea of going with something different, it looks incredibly easy to customize... and I like the name "Serendipity" - did you see the movie by the same name, btw??

Ahh - ok - and here's what's simmering underneath it all: I'm working on a new template for my site. Actually, I've been working on it for a very very very long time. I just cant seem to settle on anything with it at all. I started out with a very graphical header that defined the site as an "interactive community" and ended up ditching that as I felt it really took away from the content - which should be the main focus on many of the pages (and compelling invitations to 'join in' can be worked into the copy, of course)... I could go on and on here, but suffice it to say - I'm just needing a break from it. On the one hand, I feel as if even 'bad' is better than what I've got now (LOL) - but on the other hand, I want to get it right and get it done.

I really want to go with simple & clean. I want the focus to be on the copy. I also want to convey the message that websites dont have to be complicated or fancy to be successful. And then, too, it doesnt take very many searches to find that it wont take much to out-do the "competition"... or at least stand equal.

I know the solution. I know that I'm agonizing over this for no reason. I know that "get it done" is better than "do it perfect". Perhaps I can just go with what I've got, and start working on the copy and on the various categories - that's the part I am actually excited about. The part I'll enjoy. I could always come back to the template and make modifications later...

It's time to take my own advice, and FOCUS. Let everything that I do fall in line with what I want to accomplish. And that's what I'm off to do... with my 3rd cup of coffee in hand.