Friday, October 15, 2004

Why Friday's Are Important

I just received another email from Mike Litman that asked some great thought-provoking questions. I'd like to share that with you, along with my answers to Mike's questions, and then you can join in with your own answers when you leave a comment. C'mon, it'll be fun ;)

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Hey Lynn!

Can I be 100% honest with you?

Ok, thanks.

Today is Friday and to me Friday's are very important in my business, here's why.

For me, there's is nothing 'business worse' then a week gone by with little to no personal or business growth.


Because if so, I just wasted an entire week. I just wasted over 100 hours of my life.

Remember, TIME is the most important currency we have, right?

You must look back at your week TODAY and ask yourself a few questions.

What have I learned?

How did I grow?

How did my business grow?

What one action did I take this week that I'm most proud of?

Why did I do it?

How could I have served more people?

What do I want to accomplish by next Friday? (write it down)

There is no way that you can ACCEPT going an entire week and not growing.

No way Jose.

It's just NOT ACCEPTABLE any more. You agree?

Make a COMMITMENT to daily and weekly growth. Can I recommend that each Friday you look back at your week and see how you've MUST do it.

Socrates said, 'An unexamined life isn't worth living.' Start examining your life and start stretching yourself EVEN more.

You don't have to get things always right in life, you just have to get them going.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Mike Litman

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My Answers:

What have I learned?

This week I have learned that all things happen for a reason - in their own time. To trust my instincts and to go with the flow. I have also learned that I am on the right track - in every area of my life - and that feeling "uncomfortable" is a good sign that I am not complacent.

How did I grow?

By being strong when I needed to be, and by being forgiving in an area where I could have very easily held on to old resentments - I grew simply by realizing more about my own core values and goals. This all led to a feeling of personal contentment, and allowed me to close doors on my past that were holding me back, and really begin to envision my future more clearly.

How did my business grow?

With every step forward that I take, my business moves forward right along with me. Being an entrepreneur, my personal and professional life are very closely connected. Being focused, motivated or excited about something shows through very strongly in everything that I do - in my newsletter, on my forum, here at my blog even...

My business has grown this week, specifically, through strengthened personal connections. And, while not launched or announced yet, several 'deals' in the works were sealed this week.

What one action did I take this week that I'm most proud of?

I shared the excitement and potential that I feel about a project with it's owner - added ideas to it, gave examples, and helped them to envision the direction it will most likely take. My thoughts and feelings were very sincere, and it was probably the most fun I had on the phone all week (I absolutely love brainstorming!). But I say that I am most proud of this because I truly feel as if this person caught the vision for something they felt hesitant about before...

Why did I do it?

Because that's what I do best :)
It pretty much just comes naturally.

How could I have served more people?

By answering more of my emails.

Unfortunately, I receive so many, it's practically impossible to answer them all right away. I do my best. Obviously newsletter subscribers, forum members and those involved with my private mentoring site... get top priority when it comes to my attention. This is something I'm working on - I'd like to be able to offer a fast and thorough response to *everyone* that asks a question, or sends a request. Maybe I can come up with a good solution to that one...

What do I want to accomplish by next Friday? (write it down)

I want to upload the updates to my website - the new layout, new categories, all of the new pages. AND I want to catch up on my email.

Your turn! :)