I have to shoot straight with you here. I am getting the information on
Butterfly Marketing on the same timeline that everyone else is. To keep you up to date, I post the links & downloads the minute that I get them... which doesnt always mean I get the opportunity to read them myself, first.
In fact, yesterday
I posted a link to the 'Leaked Chapter' of Butterfly Marketing - which I had not yet read through. I had other obligations to tend to, yet I didnt want you to miss out because it was offered on a very limited-time basis.
One of the biggest questions about the Butterfly Marketing package so far has been: What is it, and Who is it for? I felt the 'Leaked Chapter' really answered those questions...
My honest opinion on the 'Leaked Chapter' of Butterfly Marketing?Sure... Here goes:
Reading this document gave me the impression that this product (Butterfly Marketing) is geared solely towards product developers and affiliate program managers. The concepts may also work well for membership site owners and service-based business owners. But my main feeling was that the material will work best for those who have their own products, or plan to create their own products.
In fact, if you are a blogger or build websites to earn Adsense revenue... or are a full-time affiliate marketer... the entire Leaked Chapter may have just gone over your head completely - or just bored you to tears.
There just hasnt been enough information about the product (which is to be launched Jan 31st) to determine it's target market - or who will be most interested in purchasing it. As for the name of the product (Butterfly Marketing), I am reminded of the movie "The Butterfly Effect" in which the concept is that every small thing that we do has a cumulative effect. Think
ripple effect. Which leads me to believe that much of the content will revolve around Viral Marketing strategies. (I'm taking a stab in the dark here, yes)
If you read the document too, you couldnt help but notice that it was full of typos and grammatical errors - which made it incredibly hard to read. In fact, there were several paragraphs that I had to read two and three times just to 'get' what he was trying to say.
I know I wasnt the only one to be put off by this, because there were several comments left on Mike's blog about it... and this is in a document that Mike has been working on for well over a year (pg 7 of the Leaked Chapter).
I'm not sure what to make of that... I think my main thought on it was this: "Will the negative effect of this Leaked Chapter have a 'butterfly effect' on the entire Butterfly Marketing campaign?" -- my guess is yes.
(And will this blog post that contains my candid thoughts and honest opinions have a 'butterfly effect' in the long run? My guess is yes again...)
About the section on
Spilt Pay (yes, I'm being
facetious... it was "Split Pay"): I dont like this strategy at all. From a merchants standpoint, I dont like the idea of putting my buyers through an extra step to complete the order process. I dont want to put questions (or stumbling blocks) in their mind at 'checkout'. It just seems completely unnecessary (and a good place to lose the buyer).
From a buyers point of view, it's awkward. I've actually purchased a product that was set up on Split Pay before... and the
only reason I followed through with the order was because I knew and liked the guy that was making the offer. It wasnt even a product that I ever used - just an act of support to someone who was holding a 'firesale' to raise funds.
That's just my opinion... test it yourself, and track the results.
On the topic of immediate payout, though, I do agree that this is a good way to encourage your affiliates (if you have them) and to keep them actively promoting your products. In fact, I am an affiliate for
Jason James (owner of Auction Resource Network) and can vouch that this strategy truly works. Jason pays out daily via PayPal, he offers a high percentage, the program has a 2nd tier... and he gives his affiliates an incredible arsenal of tools & resources with which to promote his program successfully.
Jason's affiliate program is the absolute best example I have ever seen of what Mike talks about on pages 15-20 of the 'Leaked Chapter'. Speaking of which, go read the paragraph on page 20 again... That one set me back almost as much as the typos.
Anyway, if you are an affiliate and have no interest in developing products or managing your own affiliate program -- definitely check out
Jason's affiliate program. You'll have to scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on "site map" to find the affiliate program link. This will put you in my 2nd tier ;)
Back to the document, though, the last thing that I wanted to say was on the section about Integration Marketing (p 25-26). It seems to me that this would work best in the "Internet Marketing" niche - and only for "established" Internet Marketers. At least, that is my impression after reading those two pages.
Dont get me wrong - "co-promotion" strategies can work in
any niche! I just felt as if the information in this particular document was focused on Internet Marketing. You can use the same concepts on your niche site about Bird Feeders, for example... you would just have to get creative and tailor the concept to work in your favor.
(I doubt you have a membership site about Bird Feeders, or a Free Trial Offer... but I could be wrong)
That was all that he meant by "Integration Marketing", by the way: co-promotion or joint venturing. It's not a new concept, just a new name.
This product is
NOT for everyone (obviously). That said, it will likely be like GOLD to a select few. While the target market has not yet been defined (at all), my best guess is that this is a product that will be of the most value to people who want to become established as an Internet Marketing Guru. It may even be the key for those that are eager to join the 'elite' at the top of the IM Niche.
I havent even received my review copy yet, so I may be eating those words within the week ;) I dont mind saying that upfront, because the truth is that nobody really knows much of anything about Butterfly Marketing - yet, anyway. All you have here is my thoughts, guesses, opinions and comments... which I am guessing mirrored many of your own thoughts on the topic. Yes?
Until the next update, you can still get the free Leaked Chapter and enter the drawing to win a copy of Butterfly Marketing through the links in
my last blog post. I'll keep you posted as new information becomes available, of course - and will be standing by ready to stick my foot in my mouth if need be ;)