Monday, February 28, 2005

My Growing Website Collection

Kelly asked: Hi Lynn, So when you say you have about a dozen other sites up now, are they all for the purpose of passive income / affiliate marketing? I know you don't want to give out lots of details, but at a highlevel can you describe more about the purpose they serve? thank you! - Kelly

Good question! I thought I'd start a new post for the answer, as it may get long ;)

As I said earlier today, each of the sites are in varying stages of development. But here's the basic breakdown:

1 - WSN... Used to be my main site, featured my services & archives (all of which is now very outdated). Currently has a basic Bio on the main page. Plans are to revamp it to be a resource (content-based) site that I will use as a "lead generator" to send traffic to various sites that relate to web development.

I am about to launch an article database that I may also put under that domain.

2 - SSWT, currently my primary website. This is an internet marketing community/content website. The main purpose of this site is to increase exposure and establish myself in the industry. It serves as a solid foundation that encourages profitable JV's, and through a few years of 'proving myself' has grown to include a very active discussion forum and responsive mailing list. While this site does profit through affiliate programs, it also serves as a central hub for all of my products & services (such as the TIID Membership site, the book I co-authored with Steven E's group, my upcoming Ebook, etc).

3 - Turning Ideas Into Dollars is a site that I co-own and co-manage with my partner, Andre Chaperon. Through this site, Andre and I offer hands-on help to individuals as well as group training modules. For only $12.97/month Members can get their questions answered promptly and thoroughly, we brainstorm business ideas and offer our perspective and experience. We have a terrific Panel of Advisors that pitch in as well, including experts in: SEO, RSS, CSS, Email Marketing and more.

4 - The fourth site on my list is a JV that I have been working on for around 3 years now. I trade my services for prime ad space and a percentage of sales. I consider this site in my own list as it's one that I am constantly looking to revise & improve. It has been a beneficial asset.

5 - This one is a one-page "sales copy" site which features revised sales copy for an affiliate product (that I own and love). The merchants copy left a lot to be desired, so I wrote my own. This one is still in development - I need to put a good solid hour of focus into this one and get it launched.

6 - A blog gone bad (LOL). Basically a domain I abandoned because I didnt like the setup & layout. It was one that I used to test out a few things while I was learning more on RSS. I plan to revise this domain and the content very soon - and may move this (clicknewz) blog there. Either way, it's purpose will be to attract readers via solid content... and to interest them in my various resources (other content sites), products, services and affiliate offers.

7 - Passive Income Guide is one of my newer sites. Currently just a "pre-launch" web page with a notification list set up to keep visitors informed. The purpose of this site will be sell my own product, and will also include content & downloads "behind the scenes" for buyers.

8 - This site hasnt yet been launched, but only lacks one more tweak to go live. Are you sitting down? This one has a Network Marketing twist ;)

9 - My "affiliate site" is ALL products, several hundred pages in fact. They are categorized and organized, and it features product images and descriptions with cloaked affiliate links. The purpose of this site is for the page to rank well in the major search engines, and send visitors directly to the merchants site for sales & searches. Also displays Adsense, though not prominently (last ditch "exit" effort *wink*).

10 - This is my son's blog. Currently abandoned as the 7th grade is getting the best of him :p The purpose of this site is for him to begin getting exposure and creating "a name" for himself to lend to a future project that we plan to launch together. Also runs on affiliate revenue.

11 - A niche-specific directory that I havent yet launched. Adsense & affiliate links will be used prominently. The primary target market will be site owners in the same niche, so the goal is to find multi-tier affiliate programs that would interest them.

12 - This one is a content-based site that is using all public domain content. The purpose of this site, again, is to earn revenue through Adsense and affiliate programs (related to the content, of course). This site also features a niche-specific directory, which is used in the Link Strategy to gain high quality inbound links.

I have two other domains that are basically landing pages for Pay-per-Click campaigns, and many other projects in the works as well. As you can see, the purpose of some of these sites is simply profit, while others are used specifically to generate interest and to funnel traffic.

I began in a service-based industry. Established myself with solid content and good relationships. Moved into consulting. Began creating a product. And set up multiple streams (all individually profitable) that lead into the same source. Each project that I do is not only a stream of income, but it also gives me the experience and data that I need to write more content, conduct more case studies, and set up new training modules.

It reminds me of "the circle of life". A better name for this, though, would be "a circle of profit" ;) The name of the game is to have a broad view, to collect as many assets as you possibly can, to develop each to it's fullest potential, and then to expand on that potential by "recycling" every piece that you can (ie: funneling traffic to other sources, growing with your targeted market and continuing to serve their needs while still appealing to those at the base, setting up new assets that are not only stand-alone profit centers but also funnel traffic *or pagerank!* to your other sites, etc etc etc)

Remember Me?

Sorry so quiet :} I've been busy behind the scenes working on various site projects, and also on my upcoming book (the passive income guide). It's been a week for "tying up loose ends" and getting things in good order with all of my business ventures.

I think I have around a dozen sites now, in various stages of development, and have just been working on them across the board - making a bit of progress on each one every day. Too, there are the JV's and other projects in the works, so I just keep a running list of things to "manage" or check up on here in front of my monitor.

Google seems to really like the new site template for SSWT. Remember how I stressed over getting that done at the end of '04? Well worth it! I'm currently sitting at #4 on Google for "learn internet marketing" (a perfect search term that defines my site, and gets just over 200 searches a day).

The increase in targeted traffic and newsletter subscribers is also bringing a lot of attention to my upcoming book - most of the people that subscribe to the SSWT Newsletter are now also subscribing to the notification list at . I've really enjoyed this project so far, and the results of the pre-launch are very encouraging!

Sales are coming in almost daily now on the affiliate site I launched in November. We added a new merchant last week, and Albert has been updating the site a bit each day.

Here's a pic of the two of us, by the way:

My daughter took this one over the weekend - we'd just been out to the movies to see Cursed. Not recommended - it was really lame... but it was nice to get out and have a good time, anyway ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My Biggest Source of Motivation

This day was worth looking forward to - much smoother than yesterday ;) Maybe we can boil it down to the fact that I just love "routine", LOL.

I love the days that the mail runs (brings checks!). I love the days that I get a lot accomplished and feel content putting my work away for the evening. I love the days I get to sneak a nap in, too! Today was just one of those days :D

I think it's very important that children get in the routine of going to their room (for mine, going upstairs) to wind down a bit before it's actually "bedtime". It may not work for everyone, but it certainly does for me. My two are old enough to enjoy the time to read or watch a favorite television show - or even talk on the phone.

It's not "punishment", it's an opportunity to wind down and get ready for a good night's sleep. And it's a good time for Mom (that's me!) to tie up the loose ends around the house and wind down, too. Having been a single mother for so many years, my children have been great to respect the fact that I really do need a break sometimes.

Not always, of course - they are kids after all, so it's their job to test my limits and try their best to get their way on certain points. But when it comes down to it, they are really great children. I feel blessed with them both... for so many reasons.

Aside from being beautiful and smart and all of the things a mother would want for her child... they are also a huge source of motivation and drive for me. I get up in the morning whether I feel like it or not, for them. I work hard no matter what, for them. I do whatever it takes to earn, save & provide... for them.

I have no doubt in my mind that I would still be working for someone else had I not had them in my life. I never really knew there were other options. It wasnt until I had to leave them to go to work, and dealt with all of the issues that came with that situation, that I began to dig deeper and think harder on possible solutions.

We're happy now. We've been through some rough patches, the kids and I, but we're a tight family and we're all very content. I feel very close with my son, even at 13, and dont hesitate to talk to him about anything that's on my mind. We laugh, we have serious talks too - and he knows that I worry, but he's a very good kid and stays straight by me.

My daughter, just 8, is silly and spoiled... but she listens well when it really counts. She aims to please, and she knows when it's most important to do so. Annie is the social one out of the three of us, and at this point her goal in life is to become a cheerleader slash rock star. So far so good - the girl can sing.

*laughing* Gosh, I hope she grows out of that one :p

Anyway... I've got to go check out my room and see if I can sneak away to pick back up on my book (The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing by Tom & Marilyn Ross). The kids were camped out in there earlier with the laptop and a good movie on the TV... and I have a feeling they found my "stash" (danish wedding cookies), so I may have a few crumbs to deal with in there ;)

Kids... LOL.. I still say they're worth their weight in gold!!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Okay, I admit it...

Tonight I'm tired. Exhausted, really.

Monday's are always busy, or the first of the week I should say. Usually by Wednesday afternoon things die down a bit and the rest of the week is smooth sailing. But those first three days of the week... well, that's when most of the "action" happens.

Today being a holiday, the children were out of school. Too we had really crazy weather - thunderstorms with severe lightning and hail (in the middle of February!). There I go unplugging the entire office, then getting it all going again...

...and as soon as the sun is back out my daughter is out to play. So of course I spend a good hour this evening cleaning mud out of her brand new tennis shoes... with a tooth brush :-

Somehow it's 9:30pm and they are still up - on a school night, no less. The last one that walked through and asked me a question got a blank stare for a few seconds before I finally replied "I dont know - ask me in the morning" :p

Oh, I'm fine of course - just winding down now and blowing off some steam from the long day behind me. This is my favorite time (even if it did come a bit late tonight) - when the house quiets down, and I can sit and enjoy a warm cup of coffee and take a deep breath. It's a good time to make a mental note of the days accomplishments, and sort of put things in order (in my mind) so I can get an idea of where I want to pick back up in the morning.

It was a good day today, honestly. I cant complain. I'm just glad we're nearing the end, and very much looking forward to "the norm" tomorrow ;)

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Staying Busy, Focused... and Happy

I've been busy for the last couple of days, as you can imagine - but making great progress on all of my projects. It really feels good to watch them go from a thought or idea to a tangible working model. Things are going very smoothly right now, moving in a good direction.

I dont imagine my "method" of accomplishing tasks would work for everyone. I really enjoy having a variety of things to work on. It keeps things interesting. I usually just make small steps across the board each day - doing one or a few tasks to get each project rolling or keep it going.

I actually have a lot more going on right now than usual - several new sites I am putting up, ideas I am putting into action on current sites, the book that I am writing, offline advertising that I am working on, etc. It all works toward a common goal though, which keeps me focused as I'm moving from one project to another. Many of them even tie in so closely that I am actually "hitting two birds with one stone" as I go along.

Do I feel scattered? No. Actually I feel more in tune than ever. Not just in business, but in my personal life as well. I dont work ALL the time, ya know :p

I had a great afternoon out on Valentines Day, enjoying my favorite sushi bar with my sweetheart. I spent my Saturday night watching movies and eating junk food - just hanging out. I took the kids shopping earlier this week for new shoes, jeans, etc. Life is good, definitely no stress here.

If anything I am really pumped - motivated. 2005 started off on a good foot, and just keeps moving forward in the right direction. I am determined to make the absolute best of it ;)

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Whoah - Brain Overload

I woke up this morning feeling great, and sat down to my usual morning tasks with coffee in hand. All was well for the first hour or so, until I noticed some of my databases acting up (critical error, too many connections, etc).

I grabbed a donut (chocolate covered cake) and another cup of coffee and ventured into my ThirdSphere account to check my disk space and bandwidth usage. Images of all of my accounts, all of my domains and subdomains, all of my databases, and all of my files - here, there, and everywhere - started to send me into overload and on the edge of an anxiety attack.

I was actually surprised to find that I am barely using half of my allowed disk space (500 megs), and only around 1/3 of my allowed bandwidth (30 gigs). Whew. And it turns out that the problem was temporary - whatever it was must have been on their end, and they had it fixed by the time I checked again.

While I was in there poking around, though, I jotted down a list of all of my domain names and websites. I recently added 3 domain names - one website, two yet to develop - and have 6 more that I was ready to add at any time. Let's see... oh whatever, I lose count :p

Anyway, in the process I made some decisions to help "clear my mind" with it all and do a bit of 'housekeeping'. Instead of putting the 6+ new sites on separate domains, I headed over to GoDaddy and registered one good domain that would serve all of the topics generically. Then I can use either subdomains or directory names for each of the topics, or actual sites - and can easily continue to add new sites/topics to that collection. Good solution - and I actually found a really nice domain name that included a "call to action" in it ;)

I think that makes 10 websites I will have live on the one hosting account by the end of this week - with several more domain names pending site development. Considering the accounts at ThirdSphere are only 25 bucks a month, it's really hard to beat the deal - $2-3/month for hosting on each.

Most of my sites are completely unrelated and arent linking to each other (or at least not in any way that would be deemed "spammy" by the SE's) so it doesnt pose any sort of problem for me to keep them all "under one roof". They all have their own independent linking system - getting the majority of inbound links from outside domains.

The only exception would be my blog (here), which is the major reason I havent yet moved it over to the domain that I have pointed to my ThirdSphere account. It has a TBPR (toolbar pagerank) of 4, and many inbound links... and moving it just hasnt seemed like a priority with all else I have going on. I do plan to move it to the domain in the near future, but I believe I'll set that up on a completely separate host when I do - just to stay on the safe side.

All is well - I was stressing for no reason - but at least now I have everything down in front of me on this notepad and the "big picture" is beginning to come together more clearly for me. It's good sometimes to take stock of all of the things you have out there, and take a good hard look at them to determine what your priorities are.

I think maybe I'll devote half an hour to each of my projects today to finish them up, add to them, or get them rolling in the right direction. Most of it is minor work (click click click, type, done) and it will be fun to make progress on them all across the board :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

"That Doesn't Really Happen"

That's what my son said to me this morning on the way to school. I was talking to him about "huffing" and the story that I saw last night on the evening news. He hadnt heard of it (thank goodness!) so I explained to him that it was a silly thing where kids were snuffing all sorts of things up their nose for a "high". He pretty much laughed at that. Even at 13, he's a pretty smart kid and I dont think he'd go for something so silly (me being a naive parent, no doubt).

But when I explained to him that it kills, and that it can ruin you mentally for the rest of your life... that children were being taken away in ambulances after their first time, he said "Yeah, but that doesn't really happen".

Megan, at only 16 years old says:
"I can't really remember a lot of things," she told us. "When I'm talking I'll forget what I just said two seconds ago. It frustrates me a lot."

Margaret Wagner says:
I am living every parent's nightmare -- my son Keith is dead.

Children feel so indestructible. Invincible. They truly do not understand how fragile life is, or how easily things can change - or go away altogether. In a way I am glad that my children are oblivious to the grim realities of this world, and hope they are never faced with them or lose their beautiful innocence. But I'd be a fool not to realize it's only a matter of time.

I dread their first broken hearts. Their first close encounter with death. Their first realization that the "real world" isnt quite what they expected.

Sorry for such a somber post this morning. Raising a teenage son as a single mother in this crazy world is one of the main reasons that I continue to pursue my career from a home office, and make it a point to stay close to my children. The world out there is a scary place. I can only hope that I am able to equip my children with everything they need to survive it as young adults.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Too Much Coffee

Okay, two cups is my limit. I've just finished my third - and in record time, I must say - and I've decided that was one cup too much! LOL

Albert comes in to the office and asks, "What's going on this morning?". By the time I whipped out my 5-minute reply, he was speechless. For a second, anyway, until he replied "Wow. Okay, where do you want me to start?"

hehe :-)

He's working on some Public Domain content for me this week. We're putting out 8-10 mini websites on a wide variety of topics this month. The purpose, of course, is to add additional sources of passive income.

This is my first experience with Public Domain material, and so far it's going smooth. I'll keep you posted as to the results. For now, I'm off to go over my notes for the Crazy Web Guy show with Gary Knuckles ;)

(Did you know that Gary lives in the town where I grew up & went to high school?? A small world, for sure!)

Monday, February 14, 2005

Out to Lunch

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Live on the Crazy Web Guy Show

On Tuesday, February 15th I'll be joining Gary Knuckles live on the Crazy Web Guy Show! If you have an opportunity, listen in (it's free!) - or sign up to get a copy of the recording.

You can get more information here:

We'll be talking about having a Main Objective, regaining your Focus and getting on the fast path to achieving your Goals!

It's going to be fun, and it's going to be live - I hope you can make it ;)

Writing the Book

It feels like magic is flowing through my veins. Everything is working together so perfectly, so seamlessly, that it's almost surreal. It's at moments like this that you know that you are in line with your goals and moving in the right direction.

It started out as a short guide that I was going to put together to accompany an upcoming Teleseminar. I knew that I would never be able to give the listeners everything that they needed in one short hour of audio... so I set out to fill in the gaps by writing a guide that they could download and study at their own pace.

Sitting down to write this guide, the words just started to flow. The outline came together in a matter of minutes, and the "little guide" grew into a very exciting project. It was at that point that I knew this was going to turn into much more than originally planned.

Looking back over my work for the last year, it was interesting to see how many times the topic of Passive Income had come up. I have obviously had this project inside of me for quite some time, and now perhaps the timing is just right to bring it all to the table.

Everything that I have learned in the last 8 years is going into this book. Not just into the content of the book itself, but into the project as a whole. I have never felt more aligned.

You can see the very first evidence of this work now at:

I'll share more with you later... for now, I am off to write another chapter ;)

Thursday, February 10, 2005

How Many Hats Do you Wear?

Recently, a long-time subscriber of my newsletter sent me a note via email. Usually I receive questions about marketing, or about specific products... or tips, notices articles - that kind of thing. This one was quite different than the norm and got me tickled. Read for yourself:

Hi Lynn,

Are you by any chance the kind of go-getter business woman who wears numerous hats? I know you are the editor of But, do you do this all by yourself? Do you also do the Clicknewz blog? What about Is that also you? And, what about the Web Service Network? Is that you as well? Is that your business phone number under the McMinnville, TN address?

If it's all you, Lynn, how do you find time to have a life away from your computer? What's your secret?

Lamar Morgan

(Lamar didnt mind my replying publicly, so here goes...)

Hi Lamar,

You are correct in all of your assumptions: I do own and manage the SSWT site on my own, as well as the ClickNewz Blog and WSN site. I write the weekly newsletter myself, as well as the blog posts, and also moderate the associated Discussion Forum.

Andre Chaperon is my partner in the Turning Ideas Into Dollars website. Together we share the costs and time involved in maintaining this portal - along with several mentors (including: Paul Short, Sharon & Roy Montero, Willie Crawford, Michel Fortin, Rebecca Hagel & Mike Merz) who have joined our Panel of Advisors.

I am also in the process of writing my first book (The Passive Income Guide for Online Business), and have 3 Teleseminars scheduled in the next few weeks. At the same time I am conducting live Training Modules at TIID, managing my Pay-Per-Click Campaigns, and also working with a hand-selected group of web development clients.

I have several other websites that I own, manage or JV on... and other projects in the works (always).

As for "secrets" - I dont have any. A typical day is spent giving the SSWT Forum & TIID Members much of my attention, as well as Clients & the incoming messages in my Inbox. If I have a specific project to work on, or interview to prepare for, I will set aside time to work on that - usually in the mornings or in the evenings, when it's a bit quieter around here.

I truly enjoy my work. Fortunately, much of it is set up to run on auto-pilot, or as efficiently as possible. I make lists, have a kitchen timer that I use daily, and prioritize tasks so that I can stay on target. I also outsource my Link Strategy & article submissions - Albert works with me several hours a day here in the office.

And I should say, none of it is "perfect" - it's all a work in progress ;)

In addition to my work online, I have two children to raise and care for - my son who is now 13, and my daughter 8. I also take care of my 92yo Grandmother full-time (the children and I moved in with her almost 2 years ago), and of course manage the home (shopping, meals, housework, etc).

When everything 'hits' at once - such as a client calling while Grandmother is escaping, dishes need to be done, and a child needs help with homework... all while I have supper on the stove! - I'll usually just throw my hands in the air and laugh. That's life. And around here... it's almost an every day thing ;)

Life away from the computer... Hmmm - is there one??

Kidding ;) I have a favorite show that I watch faithfully every single day - It's an NYPD Blue re-run, I'm not sure which season. It's the one where Connie starts to show an interest in Sipowitz, and Rita and Clark just "got together" after the "Smoker" today. I'm not into spoilers, so dont tell me what happens :p

You have to understand that I am completely homebound with Grandmother. Outside of a quick trip to the grocery store, or taking her with me on "drive thru errands", I rarely leave the house. For now I settle for good movies, good food (mostly take-out) and sometimes Yahoo Games - especially Literati with the kids or with my fellow.

I do miss my freedom, and especially my morning walks, but this is something I committed myself to and am comfortable with for the time being. Prior to moving here, I did most of my work pool-side with a laptop, or on the go with the kids - work in tow. When my time with Grandmother is over, I imagine my life will return to normal with plenty of away-from-the-computer and away-from-the-house time.

It's a good life though, and I honestly couldnt wish for anything else at the moment.

And yes, that is the number here at my home office - so you never know what you might get when you call ;)

~ Lynn

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Good Advice from Gary Huynh

A great email from Gary Huynh of

Hi Lynn,

What started as a reflection of my past weekend in Detroit at the Unleash Your Marketing Genius seminar turned into a full fledged mini-report.

While I've yet to put the finishing touches on the report, I have a few exercises I want you to
do. Do it right now. Don't wait.

1.) Organize your computer desktop. Created folders for everything. Label things correctly and get rid of any clutter you have.

2.) Clean up your work area. Take pride in your work place and you'll be more efficient.

3.) Clean up your favorites folder. Make folders for things and label things correctly.

4.) Organize your email folders and set up filters for them. Create a folder for sales, for urgent items, for emails with affiliate login info etc.

What I want you to start doing is making your day more efficient by maximing the time you have now.

The last thing I want you to do is go get a kitchen timer.

Yes, a kitchen timer. This is the most important thing you need to do.

I'll let you know why you need it.

Until then,

Gary Huynh

p.s. If you haven't read my article on time management then do so now:

p.p.s. Although I haven't made the top 10 spot in the free ad giveaway, I'll go ahead and also send you the secret report I've been working on. You can have it in the next email.

(Looks like they caught on to my Kitchen Timer tips! :p )

Sunday, February 06, 2005

High Commission Payouts

This is something that really bothers me, and has been on my mind for awhile now. Regarding Affiliate Marketing, and some of the very high commission programs that are popular among Internet Marketers.

I should say upfront that I love Affiliate Marketing, and I love big commission checks - as much as the next person. But there's a point where it's just plain unethical (in my opinion), and I feel that merchants should draw the line so as not to devalue their product or service.

Let's take the "Big Seminar" as an example - and it's just an example, as there are plenty of similar programs. The ticket price is $1,997 and the affiliate payout is $1,000 per sale.

The ticket price, or price of any product/program is not the issue. Most of these are well worth their price tags (and then some, in most cases).

The problem is with the $1,000 commission (which in the case of the Big Seminar, is posted directly on the main sales page). I visited the sales page this weekend because the upcoming event is in Atlanta, GA and I have been considering going this time around.

After reading through it, I would be more than happy to pay $997 to attend, ordering directly from Armand of course. Obviously that is all the actual Seminar is worth (to him). Or at least that is the conclusion my subconcious draws after reading the Sales Letter.

On the flip side, I would also love to promote the Big Seminar coming up in Atlanta, GA. However, knowing how I feel about the value of the event... I wouldnt feel it was fair to accept $1,000 per ticket sold.

Give me $97, and the other 900+ you can put back in the attendees pockets. To me, that seems more than fair compensation for my marketing efforts - and fair to everyone involved.

This issue came up with Traffic Secrets when it first came out. The product was $997, and paid $475 in commission. To get around it, I offered a $400 rebate to those that ordered through my link. I earned a couple thousand (or so) for my marketing efforts... and the buyers got a better deal (closer to true value). And I chose to do that instead of earning over $10k for the sales I referred - because I think it would have killed me to put that much of their hard-earned money into my bank account... for practically nothing (on my end).

That didnt last long, of course, as John asked that no more cash rebates be offered. Understood, as he felt that the rebates themselves devalued the product. However, it was common knowledge that the commission rate was set so high...

I personally feel that it would really benefit us ALL if products (including services & events) were priced according to market value, with a fair compensation structure to affiliates or resellers.

Like I said, I love big commission checks as much as the next person... but I also like to earn my money fair and square. And I dont like the idea of my friends, peers, clients, subscribers or site visitors getting the idea that I am "getting rich off of them". It defeats the purpose of building a solid Internet Marketing community, and gaining the trust of your members.

I would much rather earn my big commission checks by other means - such as a PPC campaign running on auto pilot, or high search engine rankings for popular products/services (niche, non-IM)... or even honest recommendations for appropriately priced items.

[/rant] Any comments?

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Saturday Morning Coffee Break

It's been a long week, it seems. And dreary. But the sun is out, with temperatures expected to reach almost 60 degrees this afternoon. I'm feeling a bit better, too (after being diagnosed with bronchitis - yet again - earlier this week) so the sunshine just adds to the mood this morning :)

I love Saturday's. No rush, no schedule - I can get up early and enjoy some quiet time and a good cup of coffee. I generally spend the early hours going through my stats and messages, and closing out the week behind me. And I almost always have a little project to work on over the weekend, too, that I put back and then look forward to all week.

Even if it's cleaning out the closets, or organizing my office, or working on my own websites - it's something I do look forward to. Odd, I guess you could say, but I enjoy getting things accomplished and then starting a new week with a sense of satisfaction. I have a great life, and a very rewarding lifestyle... as I'm generally always doing exactly what I want to be doing. Perfect or not, it's perfect for me.

There's a little "life" thrown in the mix of course, to keep it interesting. Such as my son (a straight A student) bringing home a D on his report card. My grandmother pouring herself a nice tall glass of... laundry detergent. My daughter (man, I wish I could borrow her energy!) keeping us ALL on our toes. So I have my moments, yeah - but I wouldnt have it any other way ;)

When you take away your major stress factors - such as: outside influence or controls (aka: boss or any other negative relationships), financial issues, self-inflicted perfectionism, exhaustion, lack of time, etc... Well, everything else in life is just plain easy to deal with.

I didnt inherit this lifestyle, and I sure didnt find it in the bottom of a cracker jack box. I worked night and day to get where I am. In fact, I started out with nothing - literally.

I knew when I started that things weren't going to change overnight. And I was okay with that. In the beginning, "getting by" was the goal. But in the process, I wanted to build something that would ensure I never had to worry about "getting by" again.

A lot of times we need a "quick fix". And quick fixes are necessary in some situations - I understand that as much as anybody (if not more). But it also pays to look ahead, and to have well thought out long-term goals for yourself.

Those long-term goals can seem big, and very far away. Or even unrealistic from your current perspective. But let me tell you from experience: they are none of the above!

Fast forward to two years in the future. You are standing there, looking back at yourself now. How are you different? How has your life changed? How do you feel?

You have to KNOW that person that will be standing there, looking back at you, two years from now. Inside and out. And then do everything in your power to become that person.

There's a little secret about that "everything in your power" part. You have more potential than you realize. You are capable of more than you may think. You have more power than you, or anyone you know gives you credit for. We all do.

I'll stop rambling on, and get back to my project for the day. I'm working on a "Passive Income Guide" - something that is very close to my heart. The very things that helped me to achieve a certain level of balance and peace in my own life. I hope to be able to help change the lives of many others, in a very positive way. I hear from so many that are desperate for change, that are struggling to get by, or that are downright discouraged.

I would love to be able to bottle my own success, and hand it out. But writing this Passive Income Guide will hopefully be the next best thing.

Friday, February 04, 2005

New Niche Marketing Directory

Andre Chaperon has just launched a new (free) Niche Marketing Web Directory. Get on over there and submit your links!

Free Niche Marketing Web Directory
Submit your marketing blog or website to this free web directory to increase your link popularity - which in turn will benefit your organic search engine rankings.

And if you want more directories to submit your links to, see the SEO Friendly Free Directory List at:

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Moms for Sale

I was looking at a website today, which had Adsense Ads running, and noticed the following ad:

LOL - obviously "dynamic keyword insertion" at its worst :p

This ad was placed by an affiliate, and the link was for What a joke!

Or is it? :)

Did you notice that?

I've had Yahoo set as my home page for the last few weeks, as I've been doing some research on their SERPs (search engine results pages) and also use Yahoo to research backward links. Anyway, when I opened my browser yesterday, I noticed one of the links in the link box there on the main page had changed colors:

Usually this means that link has been visited, although those types of links are usually purple - not pink. It stood out to me right away, and my first thought was "Who in the world is surfing the Y! Personals on my computer??"


Obviously it's just a marketing ploy - and it worked. It was the first thing I noticed on my Yahoo home page when I opened the browser :p

I have to hand it to them - that's a really good way to draw attention to specific sections of their site, especially during seasonal promotions or for "hot market" type products or services! Don't you agree?

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Nicheology Is Open Today!

Nicheology has 78 spots open - for those of you that were waiting for another opportunity to get in on this exclusive site:

For those of you that are not familiar with Nicheology, here's a brief description (taken from the link above):

We're not just going to show you how to create little, profitable niche products. We're actually going to GIVE YOU private label resell rights to already completed, instantly-profitable information products in niche topics such as:

Weight-Loss (specifically, "How To Lose 10 Pounds")
Online Dating and Matchmaking
How To Prevent and Treat Your Headaches...Naturally
Time Management Skills
Getting Free Publicity for Your Product or Service
How To Finally Quit Smoking
and much, much more...

They only open the site to new members every few months, and to a limited number of people (and those spots fill up super-quick!)... so you'll want to take a look and make your decision today! See :

If you are interested in Nicheology's affiliate program, click here:

Build Your Affiliate Team (Free Call)

Today at 1pm EST, there's a free Teleseminar titled:

How To Create A Six Figure Affiliate Program
with The Affiliate Guy Paul Colligan

You can get more information, and sign up for today's live call, at:

From the site:

Paul Colligan, the Affiliate Guy, will show us "The Affiliate Matrix" and demonstrate the following:

* The best online source for customers and affiliates.
* The secrets to profiting from affiliates who don't sell a thing.
* The quick solution for lazy affiliates.
* The steps required to get an affiliate to act.
* The two things affiliates need, more than anything else, that will help them sell your products.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Laptop, Legal Pad & Cup of Chicken Soup!

I came down with a nasty cold over the weekend that decided to settle in my chest yesterday morning. I am absolutely miserable with it - and with the side effects of the cold medicine. *BLAH*

I'm going to take a little time off today to see the doctor, and make sure I get over this as quickly as possible. I have entirely too much going on to be laid up for any amount of time :p

Besides, my mind is going a million miles an hour with great ways to kick off the month and I want to take advantage of every single opportunity! But during this down time - and I do truly plan to 'take it easy' for a couple of days - I think I'll outline the Guide that I am working on and also organize my notes into a short-term Action Plan.

January was proof that 2005 is going to be a fantastic year (!), and I'm heading into this second month with high expectations. Fortunately most of my income sources will continue to 'work' while I am resting, and I can take it easy without worrying about lost time.

Besides, I can accomplish a lot with a laptop, legal pad & cup of chicken soup in hand ;)